
SynbiosVyse t1_ixjq5la wrote

I'd say it's not really needed, but it doesn't necessarily hurt either. It's an extra level of consumer protection that I support.

You can vote with your wallet by purchasing products that respect your freedom. I know it reduces options but if it's really important to you, you wouldn't give business to Apple, John Deere, etc


SynbiosVyse t1_ix1pr1e wrote

In order to get 1.8% APR 30 year fixed they would have needed to pay points. The lowest it ever hit was 2.5%. Again, unless they have a balloon payment, ARM, or something weird, but definitely not standard 30 year fix. Or they're lying/misinformed.


SynbiosVyse t1_ix1oek1 wrote

Yeah Dedham has a significant border with Boston proper but this sub is predominantly north of Boston so if doesn't get mentioned frequently, like Milton and Canton (large and small borders with Boston proper, respectfully). Quincy I think is big enough it is still mentioned quite a bit.


SynbiosVyse t1_iu0avw9 wrote

For Steam I cannot recommend New England Steamworks enough. Steam is kind of its own thing and a lot of guys out there won't admit they don't know it well. Granted it can be difficult to get on their schedule sometimes because they're so busy. I've also heard good things with APB Plumbing & Heating and Brow Oil.