Syncope7 t1_j98nq1v wrote
Reply to comment by Independent-Ad1732 in How are you all doing? by Lawlesslawton
(X) Doubt…. But thanks for doing that hard work for me.
Syncope7 t1_j98ftfo wrote
Reply to comment by Independent-Ad1732 in How are you all doing? by Lawlesslawton
prepping where is your home? I’d like to raid it once the collapse happens.
Syncope7 t1_j8q4mxf wrote
Reply to Gentrification by [deleted]
Because these entitled pricks don’t want to live among the poors.
Syncope7 t1_j8bltwi wrote
Reply to Weird lights in the sky by cwillm
Syncope7 t1_j89zbhb wrote
r/NewtoVermont for the millionth time.
Syncope7 t1_j84pqcl wrote
Reply to comment by DrewCrew62 in Who is the new police chief? ‘The community is on his shoulders’: Providence’s new police chief is known for his compassion and discipline by rhodyjourno
City councils go after firefighter unions everyday. Always trying to cut benefits, reduce pensions, or prevent them from getting top of the line equipment. That’s the solidarity.
Syncope7 t1_j7vdlvm wrote
Reply to comment by mattgm1995 in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Woah, well over 90 days! Shoot, I didn’t know that I was in the presence of a partial-Vermonter!!?
Go to hell and take your money with you. Eat the rich.
Syncope7 t1_j7v0ske wrote
Reply to comment by mattgm1995 in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
You act like your taxes save us. THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
I’d rather see a happy family all year round, rather thank your ungrateful ass for 2 weeks.
Syncope7 t1_j7ul5px wrote
Reply to comment by mattgm1995 in How Can We The Increase Affordable Housing Supply? Ideas? by twentiesforever
Second homes that are empty for most of the year are a drain. You are a drain. Sell your second home.
Syncope7 t1_j7e2nbo wrote
Reply to My car was stolen last night in Pawtucket. black 04 BMW 325i. license plate 1NH471. by [deleted]
It sounds like you left it running on the street, a lesson for next time.
Syncope7 t1_j7duzz0 wrote
Reply to comment by PrinnySquad in What’s the logic behind stun guns & tasers being illegal? by TheGreyVicinity
Huh. Yeah, doublecheck. I have never heard of that.
Syncope7 t1_j7diq9x wrote
Reply to comment by TheGreyVicinity in What’s the logic behind stun guns & tasers being illegal? by TheGreyVicinity
Pretty shitty PI if they couldn't uncover a DV charge. I would ask for a refund.
Syncope7 t1_j7dil6p wrote
Reply to comment by PrinnySquad in What’s the logic behind stun guns & tasers being illegal? by TheGreyVicinity
I have never heard of a range *requiring* that you are an NRA member. I went to Elite Indoor Gun Range in SK for a while and never was asked to become a member of the NRA.
Where do they do that?
Syncope7 t1_j76s92r wrote
Reply to comment by woburnite in Musings on solution to housing crisis while driving around VT. by woburnite
Sounds like you’re building a project without actually framing the exterior. Sounds like you enjoy the “traditional nature” of poor people living in barns.
Syncope7 t1_j76o6ui wrote
Just by this awful idea and your use of the word “musing” tell me that you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Let’s put the poors in a cold, decrepit barn with a bucket for a toilet. Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
Syncope7 t1_j6zjb6d wrote
Reply to comment by K9Marz919 in Kingdom folks: drip your faucets! Dry your wood, stock up on supplies, check on your neighbors... by mister_record
This always makes me laugh…. What’re you gonna do with it? Make some no-power French toast? 😂
Syncope7 t1_j6thpx1 wrote
Reply to comment by trabblepvd in Remember when the Rhode Island National Guard went door to door looking for New Yorkers? by ReadsTheScience
Think about what you just said lmao.
Syncope7 t1_j6t87vo wrote
Reply to comment by ReadsTheScience in Remember when the Rhode Island National Guard went door to door looking for New Yorkers? by ReadsTheScience
This the same Cuomo that lied about how many elderly people his policies killed?
Syncope7 t1_j6t7wsl wrote
Reply to Remember when the Rhode Island National Guard went door to door looking for New Yorkers? by ReadsTheScience
Meh, fuck em. They’re buying up all of the available property and only living in it for 3 months out of the year.
What’s another 14 days of quarantine?
Syncope7 t1_j6o2idk wrote
Reply to comment by barzbub in Should there be a ballot initiative about repealing Section 9A(a) of a law banning public employees from striking? by 96suluman
Boomer take lmao.
Syncope7 t1_j6nno4g wrote
Reply to comment by Particular_Ad_7831 in Boston's latest murder victim was just 13 by rabblebowser
This argument is such a dead horse.
Guns are not going away, not because people want they to stay, but because they are a part of the social fiber of the underground. It’s completely pointless to try and “ban guns” because they simply will never go away.
Syncope7 t1_j6le408 wrote
Reply to comment by ARaoulVermonter in My proposal for near-future inter-town/city passenger rail expansions in Vermont! (MAP) by DrToadley
That’s a bit of a stretch, the way that “driving is subsidized”
Syncope7 t1_j6jl1bc wrote
Reply to comment by -Anarresti- in Massive ship in the harbor this morning by NAFAL44
Literally cope
Syncope7 t1_j6jh6bk wrote
Reply to Advice for visiting beantown by [deleted]
Book a stay here
This Hampton Inn is cheap and in a great neighborhood with friendly folks! Very close to the T, as well, the commute will be easy.
Syncope7 t1_j98p9t9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How are you all doing? by Lawlesslawton