
SyndicalistCPA t1_itgvbz4 wrote

This is not true. It can be done on a local level. The problem is that is has to be done by every locality. Newark, for instance, has a good homeless program. It is so good that they get homeless people traveling from Detroit to take advantage of the program. Other towns also send their homeless to Newark (including NYC), because they don't want to fund a program themselves. This overburdens Newark's program and causes the homeless problem to exacerbate in the city.


SyndicalistCPA t1_it750qn wrote

Hey dweeb, guns are cool for hunting. Guns are also okay if you actually need them because you're a stigmatized minority like how gays, trans, and Jews are being attacked right now. Guns aren't cool for shooting down Esther for accidently walking into the wrong house because of her dementia. Guns aren't cool if it makes you afraid of literally everyone who walks in front of your fucking Ring camera.

Who was raped in your story? The woman woke up to someone already in her room? When exactly would she have been able to pull a gun?

Stop being afraid of your imaginations.


SyndicalistCPA t1_it3qqc9 wrote

Have you ever been? I grew up there and now live in Jersey City. I would rather live in both places and would never consider a suburb where there is nothing to do except drive to mediocre restaurants and boring ass bars.

Newark has the best food in the state, a hub of transportation to get to most places without a car, and fuck you the people are great.


SyndicalistCPA t1_it3adph wrote

Lmao what exactly do police do to reduce crime, you dunce? Only thing that reduces crime is social spending, infrastructure, and education.

>The problem with owning a gun in a state like NJ is you will be at fault if you shoot someone, even if they have broken into your home.

It would depend on the circumstances. Why are you lying about this?


SyndicalistCPA t1_it31g3h wrote

You are more likely to hurt yourself or someone else in the home than you are to be burglarized like this.

Not sure why you mentioned rape when that didn't happen in the story you posted. Also, not sure why you think I'm anti-gun when I'm just commenting on people in the suburbs being afraid of people they don't even know.


SyndicalistCPA t1_it2qedl wrote

The suburbs just produce a fear of other people because of how isolating it is. You leave your private, likely fenced, property, hop in a car, and drive to Starbucks. You don't get a chance to really run into people.

Its so bizarre. They'll say shit like "I need a gun to protect myself and my home," while living in like fucking Westfield.