SyndicalistCPA t1_itutsjh wrote
Reply to comment by TopPangolin in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
Really hope that bike bus thing catches on here. There should really be a protected, dedicated bike lane so kids can safely go to school. It would also give them some semblance of autonomy.
SyndicalistCPA t1_itmh4kx wrote
Reply to comment by sutisuc in Flying into Newark yesterday, [OP] witnessed this crowd awaiting Ukrainian refugees. by kc2syk
Very true, but I really don't think those people argue in good faith to begin with. Anything to feel "special" I suppose,
SyndicalistCPA t1_itl7rfe wrote
Reply to comment by RafeDangerous in Flying into Newark yesterday, [OP] witnessed this crowd awaiting Ukrainian refugees. by kc2syk
Probably a right-wing fascist who, for some reason and ironically, think that all Ukrainians are neo-Nazis
SyndicalistCPA t1_itgztfd wrote
Reply to comment by Kab9260 in Any Lakewood residents missing their trees? Shame on you, mayor Coles. by Vinny7777777
And where would these state-run facilities be? It will always be the cities because the suburbs don't want to face reality from their white picket fences.
SyndicalistCPA t1_itgvix2 wrote
Reply to comment by structuremonkey in Any Lakewood residents missing their trees? Shame on you, mayor Coles. by Vinny7777777
You telling me a degree in Criminal Justice (if that) doesn't produce the most intelligent police force that know how to decrease poverty, a problem only solved through social spending instead of increasing the police budget?
SyndicalistCPA t1_itgvbz4 wrote
Reply to comment by Kab9260 in Any Lakewood residents missing their trees? Shame on you, mayor Coles. by Vinny7777777
This is not true. It can be done on a local level. The problem is that is has to be done by every locality. Newark, for instance, has a good homeless program. It is so good that they get homeless people traveling from Detroit to take advantage of the program. Other towns also send their homeless to Newark (including NYC), because they don't want to fund a program themselves. This overburdens Newark's program and causes the homeless problem to exacerbate in the city.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it7ubm7 wrote
Reply to After $1 billion freeway expansion, traffic is worse. Induced demand never crossed their mind. by HappyArtichoke7729
Traffic may be worse but the coffers of the contracters? The coffers be fat.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it7ficv wrote
Yeah, probably. Not only was he a dumbass, we was an evil bastard EVEN FOR HIS TIME.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it750qn wrote
Reply to comment by moppsy in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
Hey dweeb, guns are cool for hunting. Guns are also okay if you actually need them because you're a stigmatized minority like how gays, trans, and Jews are being attacked right now. Guns aren't cool for shooting down Esther for accidently walking into the wrong house because of her dementia. Guns aren't cool if it makes you afraid of literally everyone who walks in front of your fucking Ring camera.
Who was raped in your story? The woman woke up to someone already in her room? When exactly would she have been able to pull a gun?
Stop being afraid of your imaginations.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it4ln5b wrote
Reply to comment by dun-ado in My painting, "You and I". Always confused when all people think about NJ is Newark and Camden when 85% of it is this. by BobbyG-68
Yak yak, where other place are you getting Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian, and Ecuadorian. Newark is a food mecca. Stop being so afraid of cities, I promise we don't bite.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it44s56 wrote
Reply to comment by kiddocontay in My painting, "You and I". Always confused when all people think about NJ is Newark and Camden when 85% of it is this. by BobbyG-68
Nah, dawg.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it3qqc9 wrote
Reply to comment by dun-ado in My painting, "You and I". Always confused when all people think about NJ is Newark and Camden when 85% of it is this. by BobbyG-68
Have you ever been? I grew up there and now live in Jersey City. I would rather live in both places and would never consider a suburb where there is nothing to do except drive to mediocre restaurants and boring ass bars.
Newark has the best food in the state, a hub of transportation to get to most places without a car, and fuck you the people are great.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it3nmkd wrote
Reply to comment by IRONMOORCITY in My painting, "You and I". Always confused when all people think about NJ is Newark and Camden when 85% of it is this. by BobbyG-68
Lmaooo I think he would.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it3nbpc wrote
Reply to comment by ansky201 in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
What causes crime? Come on, bud, I know you can do this. You just have to think about it a little bit. I know the right-wing propaganda stuff you listen to doesn't want you to think to deeply about things but I know you can do it!
SyndicalistCPA t1_it3adph wrote
Reply to comment by ansky201 in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
Lmao what exactly do police do to reduce crime, you dunce? Only thing that reduces crime is social spending, infrastructure, and education.
>The problem with owning a gun in a state like NJ is you will be at fault if you shoot someone, even if they have broken into your home.
It would depend on the circumstances. Why are you lying about this?
SyndicalistCPA t1_it39gs6 wrote
Reply to comment by dun-ado in My painting, "You and I". Always confused when all people think about NJ is Newark and Camden when 85% of it is this. by BobbyG-68
SyndicalistCPA t1_it31g3h wrote
Reply to comment by moppsy in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
You are more likely to hurt yourself or someone else in the home than you are to be burglarized like this.
Not sure why you mentioned rape when that didn't happen in the story you posted. Also, not sure why you think I'm anti-gun when I'm just commenting on people in the suburbs being afraid of people they don't even know.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it2v9fj wrote
Reply to comment by persePHOreth in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
Thank you.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it2uzq7 wrote
Reply to comment by Livid-Yoghurt9483 in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
I think they'd rather take a page out of the Iran playbook.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it2s5vq wrote
Reply to comment by Livid-Yoghurt9483 in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
Putin-like country? That is just an authoritarian country. America will not become like Russia. It will be a uniquely American Evangelist fascism. There is no such thing as "Putinism".
SyndicalistCPA t1_it2qedl wrote
Reply to comment by persePHOreth in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
The suburbs just produce a fear of other people because of how isolating it is. You leave your private, likely fenced, property, hop in a car, and drive to Starbucks. You don't get a chance to really run into people.
Its so bizarre. They'll say shit like "I need a gun to protect myself and my home," while living in like fucking Westfield.
SyndicalistCPA t1_it2pxh6 wrote
Reply to comment by Livid-Yoghurt9483 in Are Republican dog whistles sounding in NJ? GOP candidates using rhetoric some see as divisive, but effective in getting votes by rollotomasi07071
What kind of liberal shit is this? A vote for the GOP is a vote for fascism. Fascism that is uniquely American.
SyndicalistCPA t1_isy31h2 wrote
Reply to comment by ianisms10 in Stop fighting! Can't you see you're tearing us apart? by TheFuzziestDumpling
I dunno, if someone dropped a tactical nuke on Tom's River I think I'd shrug.
SyndicalistCPA t1_isxvu61 wrote
Reply to comment by DirectorBeneficial48 in Try a free class! Contact me if interested by Six-milliondollarman
Pretty sure someone doing shit like this vs someone who doesn't, the person who doesn't will probably still get their ass kicked.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ituulgo wrote
Reply to comment by ImRedditorRick in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
>Morons causing accidents because of a little rain
>Also, for some reason, people just seem to drive much slower in rain.