
SyndicalistCPA t1_iy3im8c wrote

This like when the papers do a story on a mid-ass white person not getting into the college of their dreams. Like, you'll be okay, my dudes.

Or even better, the stories about how a young couple were able to afford a nice home and you scroll all the way down to discover that their parents helped pay for it. Thank you, very informative.


SyndicalistCPA t1_iu46v3v wrote

Not even college admissions. Kids are being taught to pass standardized tests instead of how to think and process information and if they fail the school gets less money. Add to that, that class rooms are too big and teachers are underpaid for how vital they are too society (unlike police, which take up huge chunks of a town's budget). Then you have the administrative bloat. Just an entire recipe for disaster.