SyndicalistCPA t1_iwqdao5 wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in Anyone buy a Bayonne box in the Heights recently? by Jersey-City-2468
Tired of hearing shit about the BoE when OP asked an entirely different question. Also, look at this dude's comment history.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iwod0ex wrote
Reply to comment by ProBillofRights in Anyone buy a Bayonne box in the Heights recently? by Jersey-City-2468
Fucking cry more, you dork.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iw7qg2p wrote
Reply to comment by Crazy-Consequence-26 in Best French Fries in Jersey City? by Gas_pains_suck
I will second this. Perfectly crispy.
Their handmade chips and salsa is also really good (especially with guac).
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivpybrd wrote
Reply to comment by NoMoassNeverWas in Someone dumped all the metal chairs and tables on the riverside outside smorgasbar into the river. by lemniscate_8
Unhinged response.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivkwspi wrote
Reply to comment by YetiSherpa in Election Day 2022: Polls in N.J. are now open. What you need to know about the mid-term elections. by SoundMachineJC
The lady let me keep the sylus thing.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivkwrh2 wrote
Reply to comment by Jahooodie in Election Day 2022: Polls in N.J. are now open. What you need to know about the mid-term elections. by SoundMachineJC
Haven't seen anything on the gram. Departed Soles usually did something, I thought, but not this time it looks like.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivkw4ip wrote
Reply to comment by LithiumFlow in Good date spots in jc? by SilentEwe
Barcade is also a fun choice.
Rooftop at Exchange, Lokal, Hudson and Co, Batello if you're look to spend money on a view of the NYC Skyline.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivk2z0r wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious_Adeptness9 in what do the Hudson River fishermen do with all the crabs they catch at the pier and waterfront? by Delicious_Adeptness9
Thanks for this. 6 crabs per week and eat at your own risk. Just not worth it yet, unless you have no options.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivjxqle wrote
Reply to comment by Chris_NJ in what do the Hudson River fishermen do with all the crabs they catch at the pier and waterfront? by Delicious_Adeptness9
Can you actually eat them though? I would imagine they aren't exactly healthy to eat.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivg9xp5 wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Vote "Change for Children" this Tuesday by Organic-Hovercraft-3
Seeing the budget for Public Safety at 217M vs 15M for education according to PDF page 4:
Can you point out what you are looking at?
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivf427g wrote
Reply to comment by DontBeEvil1 in Vote "Change for Children" this Tuesday by Organic-Hovercraft-3
Thank you for a reasonable post. Really sick of the astroturphing. Maybe people should be more mad at the police budget.
SyndicalistCPA t1_ivf3ix9 wrote
Reply to comment by DirectorBeneficial48 in Vote "Change for Children" this Tuesday by Organic-Hovercraft-3
Not sure why you are being downvoted. She said she would give us two examples and then gave examples of schools in NYC.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu8z1vw wrote
Reply to comment by CommanderL4 in Vision Series Starring Paul Bettany In Works At Marvel Studios For Disney+: ‘Vision Quest’ by MarvelsGrantMan136
I've thought all of them were entertaining. Not all good, but entertaining enough.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu6nhy5 wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Please explain like I'm 5: JCBOE election ballot by Affectionate-Buy2539
I'd have to know which file you are looking at but the one file I clicked already had filters on. Inside the filter you can sort by "largest to smallest". Not sure if that helps or how familiar you are with excel.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu5vmzi wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Please explain like I'm 5: JCBOE election ballot by Affectionate-Buy2539
Did you export the file onto your desktop? Not really sure what you want to accomplish
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu4dxne wrote
Reply to comment by dumbass_0 in Found this setup of flowers in the middle of the street. For Jersey City having a bad reputation, they have some really nice displays all over by FishinDrones
Yeah, what year did this dude come from? I expect suburban peeps to keep shit talking Newark, but Jersey City? Lmaoo
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu4c2vp wrote
Reply to comment by Blecher_onthe_Hudson in Please explain like I'm 5: JCBOE election ballot by Affectionate-Buy2539
Why are you making an issue on teacher's pay and not the bloat administrative positions?
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu4biww wrote
Reply to comment by JerseyCityNJ in NJIT @ Jersey City? Is this new? When did this come about? by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Must have combined bourgeoisie and burgeoning, which I guess is apt haha
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu4b40m wrote
Reply to comment by moobycow in Why would we send another Menendez to DC? We deserve better and this is why Democrats will lose more ground. by oneofmanypeople7
Yeah, I'll take a piece of shit who votes along with what I believe in 90% of the time over a fascist who'll vote to hurt my friends and family just because they choose to live in a nontraditional way and destroy the environment.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu46v3v wrote
Reply to comment by Kab9260 in Sub shortage adds to teacher stress: Many report depression, burnout and more after COVID-19 burdens by rollotomasi07071
Not even college admissions. Kids are being taught to pass standardized tests instead of how to think and process information and if they fail the school gets less money. Add to that, that class rooms are too big and teachers are underpaid for how vital they are too society (unlike police, which take up huge chunks of a town's budget). Then you have the administrative bloat. Just an entire recipe for disaster.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iu178m7 wrote
Reply to comment by MrLurker698 in When will anyone enforce riding in the street? by dorkishj
If witnesses didn't see anything, everything is legal, nah mean?
SyndicalistCPA t1_itztepc wrote
Reply to comment by AryehCW in If you think taxes are high now, just wait until the 2023 school budget. People will be priced out of their homes. by mbstor23
SyndicalistCPA t1_itz7pay wrote
Reply to comment by Substantial-Floor926 in Menendez adviser confirms new federal investigation, but says senator is unaware of scope by SoundMachineJC
If it makes you feel better, he's still better than anyone on the Republican ticket. Very low bar, I know.
SyndicalistCPA t1_itw1eab wrote
Reply to comment by Lightningpaper in New Jersey's First Black-and-Female-Led Affordable Housing Development Proposed in Newark's South Ward | Real Estate Weekly by madsheb
Doesn't matter who leads it, developers will cut cost and always go with the cheapest options. All this means is that this person has capital.
SyndicalistCPA t1_iy3im8c wrote
Reply to comment by YUdoth in All of N.J.’s adult legal weed stores are run by big corps. That has to change by PIZT
This like when the papers do a story on a mid-ass white person not getting into the college of their dreams. Like, you'll be okay, my dudes.
Or even better, the stories about how a young couple were able to afford a nice home and you scroll all the way down to discover that their parents helped pay for it. Thank you, very informative.