SyndicalistCPA t1_j6jj1u7 wrote
Reply to comment by EmbracedByLeaves in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
I don't think that's true at all. I've seen plenty of criticism about the build of Teslas.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j6jgjz0 wrote
Reply to comment by Rusty_Ferberger in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
Even before then, Tesla's were always shoddily built.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j6jgfv1 wrote
Reply to comment by pleiop in This happened in NJ: Dude's steering wheel falls off his Tesla on the highway; asks for Elon Musk's help on Twitter by dubly_
SyndicalistCPA t1_j68epel wrote
Reply to comment by skankingmike in After viewing the Tyre Nichols murder videos, are there any police reform protests happening in New Jersey this weekend? by billmurrayspokenword
Abolish that shit.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j63sznd wrote
Reply to comment by smokepants in County saves Jersey Shore woods as open space in $8.5M deal, killing plan to build houses by sutisuc
These are 59 single-family homes. An utter waste to destroy the environment to build another fucking suburb.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5yfvnb wrote
Reply to Sheeshhh! Spotted on York St today. by Eatthatriceball
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5hn52l wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in If the property tax keeps rising the same way it did last year, is it time to leave JC? by moonlitway
Dumbass scumbag. Truly the stupidest thing I've read today.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bqet3 wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in If the property tax keeps rising the same way it did last year, is it time to leave JC? by moonlitway
Your the absolute dumbass that thinks white collar workers add more value to society than teachers and teachers are supposed to supplement a spouse's pay. Lmaooo what kind fucking moron even thinks something like that let alone typing it out?
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bh8if wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in Are Jersey City cops better or worse than average cops? by International_Pin262
Its sooooooooooooooo hard any high school drop out could do it!
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bgtwz wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in If the property tax keeps rising the same way it did last year, is it time to leave JC? by moonlitway
You are an absolute fucking clown.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bgn3o wrote
Reply to comment by Mindless-Budget9019 in If the property tax keeps rising the same way it did last year, is it time to leave JC? by moonlitway
Did you even read his post? Maybe we could, idk, defund the police instead of shitting on teachers, who actually provide value to a society.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bg258 wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in Are Jersey City cops better or worse than average cops? by International_Pin262
Life of cops is sooooooooooooo hard, bro.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5behya wrote
Reply to comment by ironsheeck in New neighbors cook Indian food every night. Whole hallway smells like an Indian restaurant all the time. What can we dooooooo by [deleted]
You've lived here for seven years?
Very clear that you are pretty racist if you think Newport or JS has a "curry stench".
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bdpio wrote
Reply to New neighbors cook Indian food every night. Whole hallway smells like an Indian restaurant all the time. What can we dooooooo by [deleted]
Get some taste, jackass.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j5bd7xj wrote
Reply to comment by TodayTimeDeux in Prices on Marijuanna in NJ are over 500% higher than in California. by ExperienceNo7751
There's like 10 recreational stores open for the entire state. I'm sure once more open the price will come down.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j56f87z wrote
Reply to comment by Economy-Cupcake808 in Jersey City cop accidentally shoots himself in the groin by imaluckyduckie
Cops are poorly trained
SyndicalistCPA t1_j56ce7r wrote
Reply to comment by PICHICONCACA in Anybody have any idea why the grass in Hamilton Park is so poorly maintained? by parqlife
Came to say this. Should use very native plants like clovers which is beneficial to the soil and other plants. Shit, just throw random wildflower seeds too.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j4xl42o wrote
Reply to comment by itjustkeepsongiving in If Governor Murphy is serious about equity in this state, he should push for improving public libraries. by Flashinglights0101
Very cool stuff.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j4xktdt wrote
Reply to comment by patchworkskye in If Governor Murphy is serious about equity in this state, he should push for improving public libraries. by Flashinglights0101
Very awesome stuff.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j4waq0c wrote
Reply to comment by patchworkskye in If Governor Murphy is serious about equity in this state, he should push for improving public libraries. by Flashinglights0101
Man, the more I read about a "library economy" the more interested I get. The library is such a fantastic concept and should be expanded further to other things. Need tools to work on a project at home? Check out the tools at the library!
A good video on Library Economics if you have the time:
SyndicalistCPA t1_j4lop0n wrote
Reply to comment by kalehound in Best JC Yoga Class? by PivotingGem
Hmm was probably a different workout class.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j4gt81o wrote
Reply to Best JC Yoga Class? by PivotingGem
Wife like powerflow well enough. She really didn't like Jane Do.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j3w4kxq wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in Gov. Murphy proposes ending NJ's cap on liquor licenses. by Brudesandwich
On top of that, they've enjoyed years of limited competition.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j320or6 wrote
Reply to comment by marullos in Bergen Lafayette-ish vs downtown by nokinok
Thanks. I'll take a stroll over there when it gets warmer and check it out. I definitely like the location because you can walk either way to Lincoln or Liberty State Park. Also, everything is like a 15 minute bike ride.
SyndicalistCPA t1_j6nedqg wrote
Reply to comment by cC2Panda in What needed to be said >>> by keightdough
Feel like I'm more likely to run into shit people from the suburbs than the city