TCPottery t1_ito1gt6 wrote
Reply to comment by shoeshouuu in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
So do the GOP, but we don't ban them, LOL
TCPottery t1_itnx98k wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Again, try to comprehend what you read. Those cases started with people who trained the dog to attack, to defend. Reading is fundamental. So is critical thinking.
TCPottery t1_itnupke wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Renting With Pitbull by weebchildren
Pit bulls are no more vicious than a Shih Tzu. They are stronger, yes, but not more vicious. It is the viciousness of the owner/trainer which causes all the pain and anguish. The humans are the dangerous ones.
TCPottery t1_itm82r1 wrote
Reply to comment by 76before84 in Luxury tax when buying a car, cannot find the answer! by ctthrowaway55
Trades are treated just like cash or any other type of payment.
TCPottery t1_ircm51n wrote
Reply to How much money should a young adult have saved up before moving out on their own in CT? by Thunderhouse_Falls
Enough for your rental deposits and first months rent, utilities, groceries, transportation (including insurance/fuel/or other transportation) plus three months budget to cover any unexpected unemployment. If you own a car, consider banking enough to cover unexpected repairs/insurance deductible.
Also, if one is looking to move into a shared living space, remember that everyone on a lease is solely responsible for the monthly rent. Landlords don't allow you to stay because YOU paid your portion.
TCPottery t1_iqsy58e wrote
Reply to comment by Old-Bedroom8464 in The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
TY, it was killing me!
TCPottery t1_iqr3ov9 wrote
Reply to comment by roo-ster in The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
TCPottery t1_iqr1nbo wrote
Reply to comment by Marshmelonmarshmelon in The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
Into the garage?
TCPottery t1_iqqy7j5 wrote
Reply to comment by Secret-Badger7009 in The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
Maybe fleeing their own crimes. Crime is down nationally. Other than survival crimes, shoplifting and such. Quit fear mongering.
TCPottery t1_iqqxks1 wrote
Reply to comment by Secret-Badger7009 in The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
Those aren't "people fleeing", 😂
TCPottery t1_iqquudv wrote
Reply to comment by xxjonfenxx in The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
Fantastic! Welcome to Connecticut.
TCPottery t1_iqqs7le wrote
Reply to The only place he belongs by eisenfell78
FFS, why must some people be so... MAGA?
TRY living in a GOP state and you'll see why good people are fleeing for normalized environments such as Connecticut.
TCPottery t1_itrmc34 wrote
Reply to Fewer people want to be Connecticut officers, recent violence against police may be to blame by lokitdwn
Also, don't forget Baby Boomer retirements. This cliff has been well known for 20+ years.