
TVDinner360 t1_j2aa3k5 wrote

I’m not talking about coordinating signals, just strictly the timing of yellows & reds. If you’re really as knowledgeable about transportation planning as you say, then you would know those are standardized and take into account the posted speed limit. I really don’t understand why you’re so deadset on fighting this point, but by all means, keep shouting into the void.


TVDinner360 t1_j2a6g2t wrote

Lol I’m not. This is a thing that traffic engineers do. They do have set algorithms and software to help, but they legit program traffic signal timing based on the posted speed limits, among many other factors.

It’s totally a thing. Traffic engineers make decent money. Maybe you’d like to join the profession? There’s a huge need for more engineers, and it’s very interesting work. Plus these are usually jobs with good health insurance and retirement benefits. Come aboard!


TVDinner360 t1_j279x1y wrote

Traffic signals are timed so that if you’re going the speed limit you will have enough time to either stop before the signal turns red or clear the intersection on the yellow. Either you were speeding or you ran the red. Both show poor judgment. I’d pay the fine you earned and exercise better judgment in the future.


TVDinner360 t1_j21gn3d wrote

Chains aren’t very expensive, and they’re useful when you need ‘em. If you guys are gonna be in Pullman for a bit, go get some at Schwab. I think they’ll allow you to return them if you don’t use them. But seriously: for the peace of mind, it’s worth it.


TVDinner360 t1_j1o88gv wrote

If it was on I-5, WSDOT would be the agency from which to seek redress. However, in order for WSDOT to be liable, they would have had to have known about the trees and not taken action. That’s extremely unlikely. The speed limit is a maximum, not a minimum, and we were all taught in driver’s ed to slow down when conditions are dicey. I can think of no more dicey a condition than the one you just described. Frankly, if the state patrol didn’t cite you for exceeding safe speeds or driving too fast for conditions, it was a gift.

I’d take the L and regroup. Insurance exists precisely to support you in the unexpected. Pay for full coverage next time if you can’t afford a loss like this. And slow tf down when conditions are bad.

I’m glad you lived and weren’t seriously injured.


TVDinner360 t1_ixg3l9d wrote

This is supremely cool. The more I look at it the more I like it. I’m not much of an art person, so it’s unusual for me to have such a strong positive reaction to something like this. Nice work!

ETA: I think one of the reasons I like it is because it depicts a man’s body. I’m absolutely exhausted by art that objectifies women’s bodies behind a patina of high-mindedness.


TVDinner360 t1_iwq4df9 wrote

Isn’t FMLA a federal law that protects your job while you’re out sick or caring for ill family members? I think covered employers are those with 50 or more employees, and it applies to all states.

But maybe you’re asking about something else. In any event, I wish you an easy recovery.