
TadpoleMajor t1_jcqbi8r wrote

It’s the first “ real” woman to do so(I’m sure there’s a better way to phrase it but I mean a woman who was born a woman and has a female body). Transgender women should be treated fair, but someone born a woman had to do A LOT to get to this point to compete against men.


TadpoleMajor t1_jbvh5xj wrote

Not ENTIRELY true. Southern RI is consistently very expensive. Northwestern RI is the real sticks.

Do you want a place that feels like Jersey with gold chains and crosses everywhere? Cranston my man!

Also if you can swing it, East Greenwich is probably a great landing spot


TadpoleMajor t1_iz684gl wrote

Reply to RI drivers by [deleted]

If someone’s trying to pass you when you’re in the left-hand lane, you’re the one in the wrong. The rest of it I agree with.
