
TarantinoFan23 t1_j7v6vcy wrote

If you have no use for any services that taxes fund, then you really have no need to participate in society at all. On the other hand, if you are using the services but not paying for them, that would be a sense of unfounded entitlement.

Paying taxes gives me security and services. And liked-mind folks who like those things choose to enact and pay for them. The system we use for that is called a government, which we made, specifically for awesome stuff. So we also made up money to facilitate all this. You get to use money. You don't "make" it because it is symbolic.


TarantinoFan23 t1_j5to7dc wrote

I think you have far to much faith in "the maps" i know peolle who make maps. The records in this state are incomplete, inaccurate, missing or never existed. It is definitely not laid out clearly.


TarantinoFan23 t1_j5r625c wrote

Its only partly okay,for now. If you appreciate their sacrifice, don't treat them poorly, and strive to create a better world without the need to subsist on other beings.

Edit: The people we eat for food today, will hopefully see they were an essential part of making the world a better place for whatever family they have left(that we didn't eat).


TarantinoFan23 t1_j5r59zt wrote

Come with, and you'll be, in a world of accurate accounting!

The secret is not to attack land owners. The secret is to audit tax cheats. Accounting is my #1 highest priority when it comes to solving the woes of the modern citizenry.
