TarantinoFan23 t1_j8i0l1b wrote
Reply to Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort
The same people who bring dogs into stores are the same type who bring their kids to the bar.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8hz497 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Where do I find people who will DEconstruct and REmove a trailer home, and not the opposite? by otakugrey
Whoever did the additions probably should have realized this and not made them so well.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8gnhl8 wrote
Reply to comment by hike_me in How Christian Nationalists Usurped Maine's GOP by iknowyourded
That's an extremely complicated subject. One of many that are so hard to grasp, that people don't understand how little they grasp of it.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8gn7yh wrote
Reply to comment by psilosophist in How Christian Nationalists Usurped Maine's GOP by iknowyourded
Seriously! When was the last time we got a national park? Did anything to protect labor? Cared about a baby? Not in a while. The left is sadly not even in the picture.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8gmewc wrote
Reply to comment by Smitch250 in Electric boats are coming. Will Maine have mechanics to service them? A regional nonprofit has partnered with educators on a three-part training course to help prepare technicians to work on electric boats. by silence7
Depending on gas prices too
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8gmbhd wrote
Reply to comment by cafenegroporfa in Electric boats are coming. Will Maine have mechanics to service them? A regional nonprofit has partnered with educators on a three-part training course to help prepare technicians to work on electric boats. by silence7
Pull in with underwater tank
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8gloi3 wrote
Reply to comment by V1198 in Milford School Board votes to consider all-stall restrooms after public debate by NewEnglandBlueberry
Sub committees is the solution here. Designate a day for bathroom talk and another for all other PTA stuff.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8eg8bj wrote
Reply to comment by CantThinkOfAName000 in Daytime running lights that illuminate the road, but don't activate the tail lights should be illegal. by Lacksum
Ralph Nader is too old and he's the only person who cares.
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8dda3k wrote
Reply to comment by Toibreaker in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
Solar doesnt put a huge blanket of poison in the environment. Oil does. We need to grow trees and shink consumption.
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8c4ekx wrote
Reply to comment by mymaineaccount46 in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
There's a lot of serious shit we definitely should ban, though
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8bx8x6 wrote
Reply to comment by That-Letter-5888 in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
Jeffy, trump, prince andrew, most likely lots of saudis
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8bot3k wrote
Reply to comment by mymaineaccount46 in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
Don't say heat.
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8anh0h wrote
Reply to comment by mymaineaccount46 in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
Either one. No one would ban anything. Nobody cares abd some people even like to pollute and destroy the environment
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j89sq46 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
I see your point. I have a plan to provide long term heating solutions to the community with no pollution and a massive cost savings.
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j893pdu wrote
Reply to comment by on-my-path in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
Nobody can be 100% sure where they were born.
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j893aml wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
I hope you are right. But you don't seem like the type
TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8934zz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ohio death cloud coming here? by TarantinoFan23
My town won't ban burning oil. Fuckn boomers
Submitted by TarantinoFan23 t3_1103shx in Maine
TarantinoFan23 t1_j853uz2 wrote
Reply to comment by AppointmentLow9526 in Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
The little sign seems like a part of tbe big sign. Thats seems lile the actual issue here. Separate them. Problem solved
TarantinoFan23 t1_j84fhnm wrote
Reply to Bakery Owner Sues [Conway] New Hampshire Town After Officials Demand He Paint Over Donut Mural Made by High Schoolers by ArbitraryOrder
Remove the name from sign and it becomes a mural. He could easily just move the smaller sign part. This is a non-sense issue. Compliance with the law is easy and this fight is definitely not just about the sign.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j7zij3p wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in Want passenger rail in Manchester? Make your voice heard by PurpleSubtlePlan
Endless debate is actually fine as long as both sides are debating in good faith. There's no reason to stifle it unless you have an ulterior motive (like keeping status quo because it benefits you personally.)
TarantinoFan23 t1_j7wagdq wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in Want passenger rail in Manchester? Make your voice heard by PurpleSubtlePlan
You obviously don't want the rail and are doing mental gymnastics to justify shutting down debate BEFORE there is a decision. Let the debate die of its own merit or it will never be settled.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j7w42jk wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in Want passenger rail in Manchester? Make your voice heard by PurpleSubtlePlan
I am in favor of making the best decisions. There is no limit to the amount of discussion to reach that conclusion. But we can't even debate the rail thing because we waste so much time debating if we should debate it. And THIS conversation is like debating if we should debate about debating. A person who is just looking to stifle progress can keep going like this forever. It is another insidious strategy to keep the focus away from the actual question at hand.
TarantinoFan23 t1_j7vrbc3 wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in Want passenger rail in Manchester? Make your voice heard by PurpleSubtlePlan
Talk is cheap, the only reason to force people to stop is if you think they'll reach a conclusion that you decided you won't like.
Edit: It is actually an insidious tactic to shut down debate just because you've arbitrarily decided "its gone on too long".
TarantinoFan23 t1_j8i10gq wrote
Reply to comment by LordG20 in IRS won't tax $850 relief checks by LaChanz
You guys are not cold.