TargetOfPerpetuity t1_jeff1jc wrote
Reply to How does one swim in the concrete? by Nwo5
Ask Jimmy Hoffa.
TargetOfPerpetuity OP t1_jaayk2d wrote
Reply to comment by intheyard305 in What's a simple method for calculating the number of bees in a beehive? by TargetOfPerpetuity
Sounds more like owie peepee.
TargetOfPerpetuity OP t1_jaaydk2 wrote
Reply to comment by Chiefcoldbeer1006 in What's a simple method for calculating the number of bees in a beehive? by TargetOfPerpetuity
One two!
TargetOfPerpetuity OP t1_jaaychc wrote
Reply to comment by SuitingGhost in What's a simple method for calculating the number of bees in a beehive? by TargetOfPerpetuity
RIP Freddie.
TargetOfPerpetuity OP t1_jaay8f6 wrote
Reply to comment by jimmybond195168 in What's a simple method for calculating the number of bees in a beehive? by TargetOfPerpetuity
How do I know that your mom was a hottie?
TargetOfPerpetuity OP t1_jaac7d6 wrote
Reply to comment by THEdeadboltblues in What's a simple method for calculating the number of bees in a beehive? by TargetOfPerpetuity
The beecennial census?
TargetOfPerpetuity t1_j4q1kr8 wrote
Being that it's lines scratched into rock, would it be difficult to produce similar runes today, and age them to look as old as these do?
TargetOfPerpetuity t1_jeg1zfd wrote
Reply to "Life is just A Bowl of Cherries", Gabriela Elgaafary, 30*30cm oil painting on canvas, 2023 by GabrielaElgaafary
Giant cherries or tiny bowl?
(Absolutely perfect, btw!)