
TchoupedNScrewed t1_jdxv66n wrote

There have been instances of China essentially barring earnings from leaving the country. It’s also in many cases an investment to begin manufacturing there since you’re often responsible for machinery especially if it’s specialized. This means you either leave your machines or they just copy everything when you move out. This isn’t to defend Apple though, I’m more so saying they’re attempting to move to even cheaper labor markets, but they have to do it slowly without rocking the boat too much. Workers rights in China are still a joke in many cases, but there have been some improvements in factory quality and worker protections. There are even more exploitable places Apple wants to access.

Realistically China has gotten to ethical and expensive to product Apple products there. They want somewhere more exploitable.

Nike has the same issue, but to an exaggerated affect. Sure the factory probably doesn’t have or can’t work with the same material supplier Nike used, but they can get damn close. There are some insane quality fakes out there.

China has also been looking to shift to more specialized forms of manufacturing like semiconductors.