TeachGullible t1_j6ia5sd wrote
Reply to comment by Autumn_Sweater in My former property manager is living in my property without a lease. by 1stTimeLandlord
Damn, can my wife and two dogs move in with you? I'd love to live somewhere for free.
TeachGullible t1_j64ex2t wrote
Reply to comment by Honeyblade in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
Cops aren't here to help me but they are here to disrupt drug dealers. I am all for that.
TeachGullible t1_j61zn5o wrote
Reply to comment by sllewgh in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
Ok fair I misspoke to a degree. So what alternatives to law enforcement would you use to stop heroin and meth dealers from dealing drugs in the city?
TeachGullible t1_j61z2bo wrote
Reply to comment by sllewgh in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
I never said we should, read what I said again.
TeachGullible t1_j61y427 wrote
Reply to comment by sllewgh in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
Do you think a council person isn't going to involve law enforcement? There are many alternatives that can and will use law enforcement to get these people out of OP's neighborhood. Law enforcement obviously isn't the only answer, but an integral part of the solution. OP shouldn't be afraid of or ashamed to use them. And I am not some back the blue bootlicker. I do believe that cops cause a lot of problems more often than they should. But heroin and meth dealers have a special place in hell and should have every available resource used against them to take them down.
Edit: Please don't use a subreddit with less than 25% of the city's population as evidence for anything. That is highly anecdotal and truly means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
TeachGullible t1_j61wz89 wrote
Reply to comment by sllewgh in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
Because fuck drug dealers that's why. They are a blight on my city and take advantage of vulnerable people suffering from addiction.
TeachGullible t1_j60hp2r wrote
Reply to Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
Please stop telling OP to mind their business or suggesting alternatives that don't involve law enforcement. Selling heroin/meth is not a victimless crime.
Edit: No alternatives should be ignored but every solution should involve all available resources the city can offer including law enforcement.
TeachGullible t1_j60henl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
Weed will be legal here in 6 months so I highly doubt OP would be concerned if it were that.
TeachGullible t1_j60h89i wrote
Reply to comment by Honeyblade in Can I Report a Drug House? by Mikel32
There isn't one. Heroin dealing isn't a victimless crime. Stop protecting drug dealers.
TeachGullible OP t1_j2v1of2 wrote
Reply to comment by bobcat7781 in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
No I am not and I am not revealing that kind of information on Reddit. I am just happy to be a new employee of the conservatory.
TeachGullible OP t1_j2uv01f wrote
Reply to comment by baltikboats in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
And 12 Monkeys + Silence of The Lambs as well.
TeachGullible OP t1_j2tn0mk wrote
Reply to comment by jozartmusic in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
It's a great school. And a great library.
TeachGullible OP t1_j2t3exo wrote
Reply to comment by mixolydienne in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
Sure can!
TeachGullible OP t1_j2sdo6c wrote
Reply to comment by Kaffikup in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
George Peabody Library at the Peabody Institute. While in the area be sure to check out the Walter's Art Gallery as well!
TeachGullible OP t1_j2s89vk wrote
Reply to comment by eskiedog in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
Gonna be going all the time now!
TeachGullible OP t1_j2s88vp wrote
Reply to comment by rlundegard14 in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
George Peabody Library at The Peabody Institute.
TeachGullible OP t1_j2s7rso wrote
Reply to comment by No_Drawing4431 in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
Thank you!
TeachGullible OP t1_j2s7r1u wrote
Reply to comment by Purple_Box3317 in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
No disagreements here!
TeachGullible OP t1_j2s7q8p wrote
Reply to comment by mindblowningshit in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
I left and came back like 3 times to take more photos lol
TeachGullible OP t1_j2s60n1 wrote
Reply to comment by freecain in My office isn't ready yet so I decided to take a little tour. by TeachGullible
Ha I wish!
Submitted by TeachGullible t3_102an49 in baltimore
TeachGullible t1_j1akutq wrote
Reply to comment by EfficiencySuch6361 in HELP ME!!!!!!!! by 0XxSilentWolfxX0
I always forget Utsuke is there. Kippo is my favorite spot though.
TeachGullible t1_j1ajgb2 wrote
Reply to comment by Holy__Schmitz in HELP ME!!!!!!!! by 0XxSilentWolfxX0
Good doesn't equate to good for a date. I respect the idea of Ice Skating as a first date activity but for food I'd recommend venturing into Fells or Fed Hill.
TeachGullible t1_j1aimk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Holy__Schmitz in HELP ME!!!!!!!! by 0XxSilentWolfxX0
Because there isn't anything good to eat around the inner harbor. Except maybe Shake Shack which isn't date worthy. Are you suggesting the OP take his date to tourist traps like Phillips?
TeachGullible t1_j6il5oy wrote
Reply to comment by Autumn_Sweater in My former property manager is living in my property without a lease. by 1stTimeLandlord
Ah shit ya got me! Lol. We're in the same camp respectfully though. Landlords shouldn't exist imo but I don't think it's terribly sustainable to go as far to say that everyone should have free housing.