TeamMisha t1_iudwb5t wrote
Reply to comment by HEIMDVLLR in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
There was discussions during the NYCHA fires. I don't remember the consensus. My personal take, if this can be addressed with regulation (batteries) and education (how to safely charge), that would be better than just banning them outright. I wouldn't want unscrupulous riders causing fire risks in my building but there is plenty of responsible ebike owners too.
TeamMisha t1_iu5x7sf wrote
Reply to comment by Guypussy in CDC Issues Warning as New Data Shows Scope of Polio Spread in NYC Area by brooklynlad
TeamMisha t1_iu5x1zx wrote
Thank you orthodox community and brain damaged antivaxxers for bringing us backwards almost 70 years in health care. Let's get childhood rickets back too while we're at it lol
TeamMisha t1_iu1euml wrote
Reply to Mayor Adams’ office says less than 2% of NYC streets are filthy, baffling New Yorkers by kj001313
Obscene not to include 311 complaints into the data, but just as NYPD ignores them seems like DSNY doesn't want to deal with or record or be held accountable to complaints either.
TeamMisha t1_itxwipr wrote
153 9th Street is literally a parking lot right now, what the fuck is this councilwoman crying about. Bribed by local industry maybe? What a change of pace for once I guess
TeamMisha t1_itvpgpn wrote
Reply to comment by Frankiesales_ in Today's weather is rainy, with a chance of decapitation by Miser
Have you ridden in rain before?
TeamMisha t1_itou507 wrote
No. 2 Penn and MSG are never going to be torn down so the station will always be underground. The nature of the current proposal to skylight the un-used section of ground between the streets above one of the concourses is the only way to "light" up the station. I think that would go a long way. While I personally supported MSG being kicked out, that ship has sailed, so my main concerns now are widening walkways, raising ceilings, and bringing light into the station where possible. There's some great underground stations out there.. there is no reason we need to have a piss catacomb, it can be improved.
TeamMisha t1_itmkeg8 wrote
Reply to comment by movingtobay2019 in Where Are the Free Housing Attorneys NYC Promised to Tenants Facing Eviction? - Hell Gate by LittleWind_
Dunno, that's the legislatures job. They can't make programs in a vacuum without budget, it is up to them. Obvi no one wants to be the unpopular one to raise taxes, but sometimes you have no choice if you can't shift money around.
TeamMisha t1_itlnqje wrote
Reply to Where Are the Free Housing Attorneys NYC Promised to Tenants Facing Eviction? - Hell Gate by LittleWind_
We're seeing the problem with legal aid systems play out in the UK. Barristers went on strike over shit pay and not getting paid properly for the hours of pretrial research and prep they did. The courts cannot function without these folks unless you want to dismiss every case due to the defendants not having representation. Pay them better, attract and retain staff, its not that hard. Having legal aid well staffed ALSO benefits victims since it means less delays waiting for a defendant to be assigned a lawyer if they need one.
TeamMisha t1_it88pq7 wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in LGBTQ+ Seniors to Have Access to Expanded Services in N.Y. by wdcmsnbcgay
Idk, it seems nice. LGBT people aging right now, who lived through Stonewall and oppression, or still alive with HIV, didn't live such a great life. I guess it was okay to give boomers unlimited pensions and reap the benefits of the age of excess but it's bad to let HIV elders die with dignity or make it easier for poor old people to access meals. Also what exactly does the state government have to do with NYC trash handling?
TeamMisha t1_it88auh wrote
Reply to comment by Unable-Ad3852 in LGBTQ+ Seniors to Have Access to Expanded Services in N.Y. by wdcmsnbcgay
Can you read the article, it's literally right here:
>LGBTQ+ people in New York who suffer disproportionately from poverty and isolation now have access to more services.
If you have millions in your retirement account this is not gonna affect you, this is for poor people and those with HIV. If I read this right, it just means income alone is not used to determine need (and that makes sense, income level alone is not the full indication of who may need services). No this is not opening the flood gates for wealthy retirees to state benefits just by claiming they are gay.
TeamMisha t1_it873in wrote
Reply to comment by Dolos2279 in Under-fire mayor of El Paso finally stops busing border-crossers to NYC by NYY657545
"sanctuary" just means NYC and other similar cities do not coordinate with immigration police and federal agencies on arresting illegal migrants or people overstaying visas. It doesn't mean we or any other city has infinite resources to accept everyone. This should have been a matter for the federal government, but Texas acted unilaterally in its decision which in my opinion was not right. Instead what should have happened is the federal government and Texas would have coordinated with (and paid from federal grants) other states and cities and distributed migrants to where there was capacity ready, and find out where capacity can be added. "Sanctuary city" doesn't mean NYC is ready to just accept 10,000 migrants in a week lol
TeamMisha t1_it5iifd wrote
Reply to YSK: November 1 the grace period ends, and all food service establishments must maintain a sufficient supply of single-use plastic beverage straws that are not compostable and provide these, free of charge, to any person who requests one. by BarriBlue
I'd say just ban them tbh or do the tax like bags. ADA advocates were screaming about how certain people needed plastic straws, so how about those who need straws take just a little responsibility and bring their own like the rest of us adapting to the plastic bag ban, it's really not that hard. I keep a metal straw in my backpack, pretty simple.. Then restaurants can have a simple law to follow and don't need to bother buying straws anymore, done and done. Legislation by excessive loophole is stupid
TeamMisha t1_it2taun wrote
Reply to comment by carolyn_mae in Queens man struck by subway in fight was rushing to take wife to doctor’s visit: widow by someone_whoisthat
I would say worse than children. Covid made many people detached, psychopathic, and lose the little respect for human life they had. Look no further than the massive uptick in reckless driving we've seen.
TeamMisha t1_isyio8b wrote
Reply to comment by Open-Abbreviations18 in Willets Point Redevelopment finally moving along by thesheepie123
As another poster mentioned there is some arcane ruling/law about the parking lot being public land, Citi Field owners want to transform a lot of it but are roadblocked. I think that's where they wanted to put a soccer stadium at one point.
TeamMisha t1_isohib1 wrote
Why does this agency even exist then. Let DOT do its job for christ sake, there's already too many cooks in the kitchen when it comes to simple projects like putting a bus lane in. Council members shouldn't get to do backalley opposition, if they want to stand in the way of progress then tell the public about it.
TeamMisha t1_ish7o1z wrote
Reply to comment by Benny-B-Fresh in One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
At least one person does or there wouldn't be any lol
TeamMisha t1_isd4sum wrote
Reply to comment by Solid_Stoic_6 in One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
I had a very similar experience a few years ago. I interviewed at DOT, they wanted to offer me the job, really liked me and excited for me to start. At the time I was stupid and didn't understand the civil servants exam process nonsense. I interviewed in summer, months pass, they can't give me the offer in writing, "HR is working on it", I say okay. I interview for another job assuming this shit is fake and it's never going to happen lol, I literally work for 4 months at another company who then offers me full time. Now 7 months since the DOT interview, the manager calls me and says the job had to go to someone else "because of the list". I laughed at her and said I knew this was going to happen and thanks for letting me know. I don't think I'd ever waste my time trying to get a job at DOT again, fuck that lmao, even now that I know the process
TeamMisha t1_isd1ji9 wrote
Reply to comment by Zureka in One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
I'm of the mindset that at this point we require legislation that mandates the commissioner must have a planning or transportation engineering degree. I have no qualms if they hire from outside, like poaching a qualified engineer from the private sector or from another DOT elsewhere, but it should not be allowed to put just anyone you want in there. These crony hires are damaging the city. Ydanis could at least help by basically letting his actually qualified deputies do all the talking and he just sits quietly and supports his team and tells the mayor the issues his staff are relaying.
TeamMisha t1_isd16hn wrote
Reply to comment by jay5627 in One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
> This has always been the case.
True, but I think it's even worse now. Prior to the recession forecast it was a total jobseeker's market, so I suspect more fresh grads and young engineers happily would take their pick and shop around from private companies instead of even bother with DOT. Previously you'd kind of want to take any entry/intern position you could get, but not so in recent history!
TeamMisha t1_isbe5yn wrote
Reply to One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
Remember people, DOT doesn't just do bike lanes. Any of those stop signs, speed bumps, safety features you might want for your block, DOT is responsible. They do bus lanes too. When DOT is crippled with understaffing, the city as a whole suffers. Problems fall through the cracks, projects are delayed, and we get a worse outcome. Not good!
TeamMisha t1_isbdsby wrote
Reply to comment by jay5627 in One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
City staff roster includes everyone, like NYPD and FDNY, which are huge and may distort the picture. Dunno the numbers, but reports suggest DOT specifically is losing talent and people. Teams are crumbling there as people quit. Remember it takes literally 6 months to a year to hire at the DOT, so the turnover is wreaking havoc and people do not want to be told to come into the office 5 days a week by Adams when they can instead take higher pay and flexibility in the private sector.
TeamMisha t1_isbdabh wrote
Reply to comment by drpvn in One result of Adams gutting local government: DOT has built 8.3 miles of protected bike lanes of the required 30 by GentleShiv
A lot of foundational issues are not his fault specifically but he has done nothing to help. His asleep at the wheel style of leading and inability to prioritize and coordinate agencies is really bad. You cannot just proclaim "we're gonna build X miles of lanes" when your DOT is understaffed and crippled, who will review design? Sign off? Stamp drawings? Ya need the manpower. What's happening is DOT is spread thin, so they have to cut corners, downsize projects, or delay. He is not helping and Ydanis doesn't know jack shit about planning and engineering. The foundational issues I mentioned are archaic and nonsense hiring practices and timelines, benefit procedures, and pay scales, but as I said he didn't cause these problems but he hasn't done anything to help. In fact he made it worse with his 5 day office rule. Young engineers and planners, who will be the foundation for the next generation of our city government, want flexibility. What fresh grad will take shit pay and office work over a cushy job in the private sector and able to work remote? DOT is hemmoraging people as we speak, at all levels. Senior guys leaving is especially bad because it is next to impossible to replace them.
TeamMisha t1_iryhov8 wrote
Reply to comment by HayPlaceAPlaceforHay in Stumped New Yorkers Wait Years to Get Trees Planted — But You Can Pay $1,800 to Cut the Line - THE CITY by space_______kat
What does this have to do with CBD tolling lol, Parks Department?
TeamMisha t1_iuizex2 wrote
Reply to It’s Been 10 Years Since Sandy. Is New York Any More Prepared for the Next Superstorm? by trueslicky
I don't need to open the article to know the answer is no. Investing in wastewater capacity, sewers, and coastal flood protection is not sexy. Politicians only like sexy projects, something big and shiny. Moving poop and rainwater under the streets is not sexy (except to stormwater engineering enthusiasts). Closing off most of FIDI's eastern promenade to build flood protection seems to be quite disliked too. Admitting that the MTA paid for rain water protections and then did not train crews or maintain equipment was a shitshow too. They'd rather just admit they are too lazy to do anything, let the poop water flow into the stations and then ask the federal government for a disaster bailout.