TeamMisha t1_iw4zxxt wrote
Reply to comment by papolito718 in DOT painted a parking spot in a crosswalk at 5th Ave & 10th St by nicwolff
TeamMisha t1_iw02dfs wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in DOT painted a parking spot in a crosswalk at 5th Ave & 10th St by nicwolff
You ought to delete the last part of that sentence. NYC existed long before cars, in fact bikes were here first, along with a myriad of street trolleys and other non-car transportation, so it's silly to argue that the streets 'belong' to cars specifically
TeamMisha t1_iw01t0j wrote
Reply to comment by papolito718 in DOT painted a parking spot in a crosswalk at 5th Ave & 10th St by nicwolff
It's not in the middle? I'm confused what your issue is here, most of the protected bike lane treatments did not eliminate parking. If having your car an extra maybe 6 feet from the curb is making you this tight I don't know what to tell you lol
TeamMisha t1_ivzn6z9 wrote
Reply to comment by papolito718 in DOT painted a parking spot in a crosswalk at 5th Ave & 10th St by nicwolff
Have you looked with your own two eyes at a bike lane in Manhattan. Even in this pic, if you look just a little bit, the bike lane is behind the parking lane. So tell me how the bike lane takes away parking lol the parking is literally still there
TeamMisha t1_ivzklv3 wrote
Reply to comment by HFY_HFY in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
Brave soul lmao, yeah there's a set of tunnels but they only have an entrance on one side if I recall
TeamMisha t1_ivwoxle wrote
Reply to comment by BasedAlliance935 in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
Why not? More park the better I figure. The traffic circle is surrounded by park land already, I don't see why not fill the road in and expand the park. But yes, the inner circle area however would be perfect to move the farmers market they do now for example, i.e. surround the arch with stands and use the space for cultural/dining/etc. programming, makes sense to me yeah
TeamMisha t1_ivwoqv6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
Also okay that's fine to support additional roads. So you volunteer your house on Long Island to demolish for new roads then yeah?
TeamMisha t1_ivwobnm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
You're beyond debate, but I just want to add that bike lanes were started in earnest under Bloomberg, a republican, so it's cute you believe this is a democratic "problem"
TeamMisha t1_ivwi5m2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
You're joking right? I'm gonna assume you're being satirical.... I hope. Adding more lanes to the LIE would not help, that's already been proven by traffic engineers for decades.
> I don’t really care what has to go.
I think the people that live there do, you realize destroying homes nowadays for highways, here in NYC at least, is an absolute non-starter right? You'd be up your ass in lawsuits before you even hit the planning phase, let alone begun the probably 5-10 year environmental review.
TeamMisha t1_ivwh1ou wrote
Reply to comment by BasedAlliance935 in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
I think 2 lanes max on the circular road would be sufficient and close the entire middle portion. It wouldn't even require construction as they can simply convert the parking lane on Plaza Street into a travel lane. Done and dusted. The entire interior is a waste of space IMO, convert it into greenspace I figure
TeamMisha t1_ivwgux4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
Right, so where do you propose expansion? Basically 99% of land is already occupied, unless you wanna knock down more homes along the LIE to add lanes
TeamMisha t1_ivwfyan wrote
Reply to Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
It needs a lot of work, this place is a fucking mess for peds and bikes. I see so many confused cyclists navigating from the north where you have back to back 3-5 leg intersections on the south half of the circle. We have this beautiful arch choked off from the world cause it's surrounded by roads wider than highways. It reminds me of the Arc de Triumph in paris that it's like this fucking insane 10 lane wide traffic circle so crazy that they indeed just built tunnels cause how in the fuck would you ever cross it safely. Don't want to see that happen here. This whole area is over-engineered to hell, bring it down to human scale
TeamMisha t1_ivwfgs9 wrote
Reply to comment by BasedAlliance935 in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
I think it can and should be done. Eastern Parkway is a mistake to begin with, not human sized at all, and connects here to this crazy over-engineered traffic circle monstrosity. The grid here should be brought back to the scale of surrounding streets, like Vanderbilt is just 1 lane in either direction. There's a section of the plaza that is SEVEN lanes wide yet is fed by at most a 2-lane road from the north from Flatbush, wtf were they doing designing this? The entire inner plaza roadways could be removed tbh
TeamMisha t1_ivwf3ky wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Exclusive: DOT eyes Brooklyn's Grand Army Plaza as NYC's next car-free space by alexd231232
Expand where? You gonna volunteer your house be demolished to build the new highway entrance 🤔?
TeamMisha t1_ivvek45 wrote
Reply to New changes to 8th Ave create much wider pedestrian space, organize and calm a formerly chaotic place by Miser
I am still salty they did not do capital improvements and physically widen the sidewalk.......... but it's better now so I gotta take it as a small victory lol. I do LOVE that now the bike lane is not in the gutter too, and though the flexible delineators are garbage hey it's something for now
TeamMisha t1_ivvec68 wrote
Reply to comment by TwilitSky in New changes to 8th Ave create much wider pedestrian space, organize and calm a formerly chaotic place by Miser
Would you prefer to be hit by a multi-ton vehicle or a 120 lb girl on a scooter, the risk of each mode of operation becomes clear quite quickly :)
TeamMisha t1_iv7e1xo wrote
It seems excessive to the point that they may as well have just banned Airbnb and similar sites from the city entirely, that'd be a hell of a lot easier to monitor.
TeamMisha t1_iv2ydy0 wrote
Reply to comment by LunacyNow in Outcome of Hochul vs. Zeldin Could Put Fate of MTA on the Line, Insiders Say by King-of-New-York
Read the Environmental Assessment. The toll scenarios studied are to reach the revenue required.
TeamMisha t1_iv18si7 wrote
Reply to comment by LunacyNow in Outcome of Hochul vs. Zeldin Could Put Fate of MTA on the Line, Insiders Say by King-of-New-York
Why do you not believe in the revenue forecast? Did you do a traffic analysis to show differently?
TeamMisha t1_iv18j9m wrote
Reply to Traffic deaths in NYC still 14% higher than pre-pandemic levels, latest data shows by ER301
A long way to go towards Vision Zero. Very glad ped and cyclist deaths are down but its not good enough. And double digit number of children killed is unacceptable.
TeamMisha t1_iuzkb27 wrote
Reply to comment by queensnyatty in Outcome of Hochul vs. Zeldin Could Put Fate of MTA on the Line, Insiders Say by King-of-New-York
Zeldin has no idea how to run the MTA he'd sooner just cut more funding and hobble the agency then try to illicit more meaningful reforms. I mean Hochul probably has no idea either in how to reform it but at least she walks hand in hand with Janno Lieber lol
TeamMisha t1_iuzhatf wrote
Reply to comment by MillennialNightmare in Outcome of Hochul vs. Zeldin Could Put Fate of MTA on the Line, Insiders Say by King-of-New-York
He also screamed that he would bypass the will of the legislature with emergency measures over bail reform lol, and they shot back, they seem pissed already and the majority party will probably balk at working with this lunatic
TeamMisha t1_iuytqek wrote
Reply to comment by MillennialNightmare in Outcome of Hochul vs. Zeldin Could Put Fate of MTA on the Line, Insiders Say by King-of-New-York
Unless I understand wrong, the law is already passed, the MTA does not need the future governor's approval as congestion pricing is already authorized. He would need to submit legislation that undoes the previous law, but I don't see a good reason the senate would support such a move.
TeamMisha t1_iuyqscs wrote
Reply to Mayor throws support behind Innovation QNS as potential rejection looms by Groundbreaking_Tank2
Wow an actually useful presser by the mayor for a change, I hope this is enough of a push to council to override Won's opposition if she votes no.
TeamMisha t1_iw50b1t wrote
Reply to comment by Darkstool in DOT painted a parking spot in a crosswalk at 5th Ave & 10th St by nicwolff
I have never seen that happen, do you have news stories about such an occurrence? Usually DOT will maybe shrink a lane by 1 foot at most, with the minimum at 10 foot lanes which is still plenty wide given a car is around 6.5 feet wide and standard unit trucks (SU-30) being around 8.5 feet. 1 extra foot would do nothing so I'm not sure the issue you describe has been realized but if you have some pictures that'd be great