TentacleJihadHentai t1_jdnzm8u wrote
Reply to comment by TentacleJihadHentai in [WP] You are an immortal, and a family has tried and failed to kill you for generations. In fact, it's been going on so long that you've forgotten why they initially began looking for you. by CutieBecka
"Well first off. Do you see the Hindu priesthood throwing magic WMDs around today?" I asked him.
"Second off. They self-destructed because of... to summarize... 'Brahmastra', 'Indraastra', 'Suryaastra', 'Agniyastra, Brahmashirsha Astra.
"All you did was add 'Astra' to some pagan gods' names," the technically an adult said.
"First off, Agniyastra," I declared as I closed my hands together as if to pray. And as I separated them, a lance-like arrow of Transcendent Divine Soulflame manifested in my between them, the flame prismatic like the reflection of a diamond and emanating golden light. It's radiance was almighty, yet it did not hurt our eyes.
"Agni, the Lord of Flames, the Burning One. Astra, means arrow. And this arrow," I pointed at the Transcendent Magic right in front of me.
They are wide-eyed. Good, they can sense, if barely, it's majestic strength.
"Has more power in it than the combined nuclear arsenal of America and Russia. And it is made entirely out of its namesake."
"And how many of them were thrown?" The first one to talk, Ibrahim if the others thoughts were correct, asked.
"Only 1 per 1000 Astras detonated. The rest were negated by each other. But over a thousand were successfully used. And it reset human history."
"1.8 billion in Ancient India alone. Those are immediate casualities in an eighteen day war. Probably higher once you take in the nuclear winter effect."
"So... over the course of this history lesson. I realized something," I began.
Ibrahim raised his eyebrow.
"I objectively cannot justify showing you all mercy."
They remained silent.
"First off, your entire bloodline has been a menace to humanity, not just me."
"Second off, not only were you menaces. Your ancestors in particular actively decried inventors as heretics rebelling against whatever God(s)^TM your family believed in. Congratulations on killing the inventor of modern medicine fourteen times over. Well done."
"Finally, while the Catholic Church has no idea of magics actual existence, you do! And you did way worse proportionally on a per capita basis."
They were not silent. They were trying to scream. But I was not letting them.
"Add effect Reincarnation Cessation to Agniyastra."
There was some tossing, some light, and then a man floated in silence, a spear of beautiful flames in hand.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_jdnwg7q wrote
Reply to [WP] You are an immortal, and a family has tried and failed to kill you for generations. In fact, it's been going on so long that you've forgotten why they initially began looking for you. by CutieBecka
All fifteen of them laid bonded in carbon nanotube chains, utterly bound to the diamond carbon nanotube wall, suspended 400 feet above the underground floor to deter escape attempts.
Thankfully, telekinesis allowed me to fly. Giving me the luxury of staring at them in the eyes.
And yet. No answers...
"So...out of the entire extended family here, not one of you can point out the original ancestor. In fact, you do not even know why you all have been hunting me for..."
The Great Wall...
The Islamic Conquests...
Restitutor Orbis...
"Gobleki Tepe..."
15 sets of eyes blinked at me.
"Err. Maybe not that far..." one of them, an olive skinned male, said.
"THE PYRAMIDS ARE OUR INHERITANCE!!!" they attacked my ears in unison.
"So. What can I have done 4,700 years ago that still offends you today? You know what, I think 47 centuries of assaults and harassment and murder attempts make up for it. But!" And I gave a good pause. "You clearly disagree. So now is the chance that your ancestors would had loved to had. Scream at me." They stared back blankly. "Well now, don't be shy now of all times. Speak up."
They stared blankly.
"Let me tell you what your ancestors efforts gave me. The 'justice'."
"Ahem. 2540 BCE, the first attempt. My wife at the time, and 7th overall chronologically, died of miscarriage after the stress of seeing me get an arrow through my knee."
They shifted nervously.
"Before you ask me what I did in retaliation... nothing. A lion ate the fool three years later. I would had personally impaled him on a burning pike, but death by hungry lion is an alright second I guess."
"But before I continue this list... none of you have yet to tell me what I have done to deserve this."
One of them, a 33 year old woman by the looks of her, moved to speak.
I immediately flew over and faced her eye to eye, not four feet apart.
"Well? Speak your piece," I said as my arm outreached, offering my open right palm towards her.
"According to the legends..." She began.
"According to the legends, as in... you are uncertain if it is even true. Correct me if I am wrong."
"I, uhm."
"My apologies. How rude of me. Please continue," I responded, forcing as much pleasantries into my voice as I can.
"You apparently killed Khufu in a blood sacrifice to gain your immortality," she told me.
I blinked.
"That would be a good reason indeed. However there three major flaws to this theory," I whispered.
"First off, Khufu was mummified, so any sort of that would had made it into the historical record, as they would had noticed the ritual stabbing marks while preparing him, no matter how well I may have hid the wounds."
"Second off, may I add that I was around 6000 years old around this time? And before you say I am lying, I believe all of you know enough magic to perform Deceit Detection. Which you know, is infallible."
"And the third reason?" Another, some Slavic looking girl, asked.
She's not above twenty is she? Abit too young to risk death...
"Assuming you reason blood for blood, may I add that over the course of the past 4700 centuries, your bloodline wiped out my entire progeny. Six. Separate. Times?"
I began laughing as I cried.
"Six. Separate. Times. Hell in the most recent one four hundred years ago, you literally stabbed my infant son in his pregnant mothers' arms! Hell, and then she died in childbirth while I was too busy fighting off you zealots."
They remained silent. Some turned away.
"Now let me answer something your ancestors died asking me. How is magic exactly discovered and used? Well, you are born with it."
They blinked back.
"Well, you can circumvent this requirement by either consuming the blood of a magic user, and do this enough times you get it permanently. Albeit inferior to the person who's blood you drunk. Or, you can use genetic modification."
"So...they are not witches?"
It was my turn to blink.
"I have a question. Why is it 'witchcraft and heresy' for others to use magic, but for you and your allies it is 'miraculous and holy intervention'?" I asked.
"Well, ours is safe," some man spoke out.
"Well of course it is, your ancestors stole the knowledge from me. As proof..." and I tossed him a 10000 year old book, with its pages flipping just fast enough for him to finish reading.
"Any other counter-arguments? Anyways back to discussion. Magic, in essence, is the next step of evolution. As we gained sapient thought, eventually our ancestors gained souls, and with it, Soul Energy. Immortality. The power of reincarnation and resurrection."
"So our priesthood..."
"Singlehandedly held back humanity by..."
75,850 years came up in a screen behind me I had come down.
"Do not worry, that is nowhere close to the Catholic Church!" I jovially responded.
435,250 years
"Who would had fucking thought killing all magic capable people on sight would have ZERO repurcussions! And to think back in my day Jesus Christ would had been considered normal. At least the Brahmin weren't as stupid. If only they did not self-destruct," I explained.
"How did the Brahmin self-destruct?" some eighteen year old boy asked.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_jd5vd3h wrote
Reply to comment by Cyno_Mahamatra in [WP] A colony ship with 5000 human passengers in stasis is heavily damaged in a meteor shower. While the onboard computer does not have the raw materials needed for repairs, it calculates that it has a very large amount of organic matter and a genetics lab. A solution path is now being executed... by lordhelmos
I'm being totally satirical but I'm basing the joke off of the meaning:
Holy war or spiritual struggle.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_jd5ty6b wrote
Reply to comment by Cyno_Mahamatra in [WP] A colony ship with 5000 human passengers in stasis is heavily damaged in a meteor shower. While the onboard computer does not have the raw materials needed for repairs, it calculates that it has a very large amount of organic matter and a genetics lab. A solution path is now being executed... by lordhelmos
I fight for Holy Azathoth the Father, Sha Ia Niggurath the Mother, and the Radiant Tentacles of Cthulhu.
Praise the tentacle
Embrace the tentacle
Or be smacked by a dimensionally translocated tentacle.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_jd3joau wrote
Reply to comment by Difficult-Theory-413 in [WP] A colony ship with 5000 human passengers in stasis is heavily damaged in a meteor shower. While the onboard computer does not have the raw materials needed for repairs, it calculates that it has a very large amount of organic matter and a genetics lab. A solution path is now being executed... by lordhelmos
He should start pumping out DNA samples while he can. Maybe by the hand of God the human race can survive.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j98q6a2 wrote
Matthew, son of Marius, finally looked up.
"T-t-t-thank you, oh Great Hades."
The humanoid purple flame dwindled, to reveal a tall woman of flowing black hair, porcelain complexion, and purple-blue eyes like that of azure diamonds.
"Persephone, but pretty decent guess overall," her voice, now like that of wind chimes accompanying a young mother's, boomed yet flowed like silk into his consciousness.
Isn't it March? Why is she here?
"You died today, March 19th, one day short of the Spring Equinox. Lucky you, being my last soul reviewed for the half-year. Also, mind reading is an ability of mine."
"I see," Matthew replied, finally calm. He remained knelt however.
Now then Matthew, to Elysium you go.
"Thank you, your Grace"
And he was elsewhere.
Silver trees that eclipsed the heights of Great Mount Ceceri filled the landscape. Indeed, was the entirety of land graced by these trees. Their trunks and branches like that of the purest silver, their leaves purple-blue flames like those of comets. And each of them did shine forth these lights instead of the moon that once filled the man's eyes. The grass of elysium was myriad in color, for each was like a gemstone, crystalline and lustrous, in a mosaic unison of sapphires, topaz, emeralds, jade, aquamarine, tanzanite, and others that escaped the recognition of this poor dead miner.
"I-I could never..." he fell face first into the grass. The texture of which made the most luxurious of silks feel coarse and unfit to wear. Their warmth, was almost alive.
Warm clear streams flowed forth from his eyes. They splashed and scattered and graced the land with their testimony.
"Thank you, oh Great Persephone, you are truly fair and just."
Tyrian purple flame manifested and embraced him.
Rest Matthew-Germanicus, oh son of Marius. You can spent an eternity here. Why not a long sleep here, then?
And he let the benevolent darkness shield him.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j985y77 wrote
Reply to comment by MarkHamillsrightnut in The Tadpole galaxy by Hubble, Its eye-catching tail is about 280,000 light-years long. Also known as UGC 10214 and Arp 188, it is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located 420 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Draco. Credit Image: NASA/ESA/HST/STScI. by Davicho77
Great Attractor identified?
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j8yjye8 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] A stereotypical High School Anime, but the main character is a loud and proud American girl from Texas who just moved to Japan. by Prompt_Dude
Perhaps anecdotal, but almost all the Texan women I met was rather stoic than yeehaw
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j7lu0qc wrote
Reply to [WP] After such a long time, God has decided that the design of “man’s best friend” has grown stale, and he’s hired you, an ambitious Angel intern, to make some improvements to the species. by Ruffruffman40
So, chosen Servant. Show your Creator your Creation.
Speaking to the Lord never gets less nerveraking
If I wanted you GONE you would already be.
Light manifested behind me as it formed into the design of the greatest gift of nature to mankind.
But better
The black, grey, and white coat of a Malamute, the face and eyes of a Siberian Husky. Dense and luxurious and smooth as silk was its fur, now fluffier than ever. With the temperament of a Golden Retriever and the size of a small grizzly bear, it immediately laid on its back and began napping.
This is a worthy improvement. Truly, Thou didst perform well. Thou has granted me great joy in mine heart this day.
"T-t-thank You, Almighty Lord!"
Immense power began surrounding me as Soulflame of azure, violet, verdant, crimson, and more variety than I can imagine manifested into a tornado-esque form.
Before entering my form.
Eight new wings, of Soulflame, of violet, azure, white, verdant, gold, crimson, silver, and black.
The halo upon my head did morph as well, as it's simple yellow light roared with Soulflame, transcending into gold as did my entire form. As the Light calmed, the halo shined pure white, with the colors of the rainbow emanating around it.
I was now tall enough to gaze into another layer of Heaven.
HAIL the new crowned Archangel <Username>
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j6glzxz wrote
And neither are the gold and white chicks, but the male hen raises them anyways.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j6ffwwt wrote
Reply to comment by TentacleJihadHentai in [WP] A super edgy Anti Hero is transported into a stereotypical So-Sweet-You'll-Puke fantasy world. This is what happens. by AnyLiterature2363
"I-I-I...Yes I would like that."
All at once, he found himself inside a silver apple orchard.
"I thought we could use a different scene. And some privacy," she said, shrugging as part of her reply.
He blinked back at the Queen. Pale silver, almost white hair, adorning silver eyes and alabaster skin.
"The color motif runs strong..."
"Well, my ancestors were kind of fixated, anyways..." she snapped her fingers, and two of the nearest apple trees extended their branches and curved them towards the queen and her guests, becoming seats.
She lightly smacked an apple tree next to her and opened her palm, and a silver apple dropped onto it. She held it towards him.
"Thank you," he said as he took a bite and his eyes widened at the sheer sweetness, crisp texture, and nectar-like juice blessing his mouth with their graces. Words cannot-
And it was already fully consumed.
"It was delicious, but I am still must know what happened to my world."
"Well, imagine your experiences today, but apply it to the rest of your world," the Queen told him, all radiant smiles.
"...what do you mean?"
"Well, after the giant battle which you lead and won, the peoples of Abyss decided to explore. First time of peace in history, and after some awkward mapping of the world, they moved on."
"Moved on?"
"Yes. They made the best of their peace, and since the battle one hundred years ago, not a single war nor demon plagued the land. People enjoyed and protected the peace they suffered and sacrificed for so long for."
Clear waters flowed from an unmoving face.
"I... am glad," he said as his lips slowly formed an upwards crescent.
Alabaster arms enveloped a black clad form.
"Your friends wanted you to be happy. To see at least some of their closest survive, and move forward. Alarus did, and died sixty years later surrounded by grandchildren. Julia did as well, her life's dream of being a spice merchant successful. She died twenty years ago, after sending her great-granddaughters to universities built in you and your friends honor."
Black clad form met gazes with silver.
"I cannot go back there. The pain.. I cannot bear."
"...Then how will you move on?"
"...May I stay?"
Silver warmly smiled.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j6ffk5o wrote
Reply to [WP] A super edgy Anti Hero is transported into a stereotypical So-Sweet-You'll-Puke fantasy world. This is what happens. by AnyLiterature2363
The sun was glorious in this world. Golden rays lined a pale shade of blue for a sky, while fruit trees with exotic pink petals filled the lands beneath the heavens.
Dirty boots met river
"Is this...water? So...pure..."
Indeed, it was clearer than some diamonds he held... Too bad the water behind his feet ran dirty.
"...Im sorry. I will move."
He continued his path, his all black cloak, shirt, and pants a stark contrast to the vibrant pink, crystal clear water, and flawless blue skies. His tattered cloak fluttered like a flag in the wind, his step squelching with riverbed mud.
As he finally walked around the Pink Forest (and gathering some berries from the branches), he laid his eyes upon the largest city he had ever seen.
Pale white marble, clearly magical with the faintly glowing golden runic script meticuluously carved upon them, contrasted a blue sky and pink lands. Everything was of this material, from the hundred meter wide and two hundred meter tall wall, to the various temples, towers, and palaces visible from his location.
Even from here, he could make out the location of the market using enchanted hearing. Most were selling items never heard of. Things such as 'indigo' 'tobacco' 'Tyrian Purple', and 'honey' were as foreign to him as permanent safe shelter.
The city seem to draw the beholder in, somehow appearing bigger the more he took it in. His nose could make out the smell of grilled lamb in the distance as he-
Armored forearms blocked his path. Ahh it appears he inadvertently walked towards it. Explains the two guards that approached him. One was redheaded and short.
"Hey there stranger. May we ask for your business with Argentum, our beautiful Silver City?" the taller guard's baritone voice called out.
He blinked his cerculean eyes at the guards. That-
"-is the most beautiful looking breastplate I had ever seen," he told the taller of the two.
Indeed, it was immaculate in its carvings, solid platinum depicting a dragon roaring with its rings outstretched, upon silver-esque armor.
"Ha! My colleague here would be wearing one too, if she didn't fail her promotion tests!"
The aforementioned colleague performed a strange hand sign he never seen before towards her superior.
"Hey I outrank you now. Anyways..." he looked looked back at him.
"So. What brings you to Argentum?"
"Nothing, I do not even know how I got into your nation. Or what continent I am on. Or if I am even on the same world from an hour ago."
PSST. Septimus!
Deceit detection shows nothing
"I see. So, where you from traveler?"
"...the region you are from is called 'Abyss'?"
"What, did it have some giant gaping hole that spewed out soulless demons that ate people's faces?"
Poor sap...
Well. I will try to improve the mood.
"...whats next, the land was cursed for millenia and you, after winning an immensely costly victory, came here accidently while wandering in self exile?"
Wow, good job, 'sir'
Blinking chocolate irises met unfazed cerculean.
"Sir... do you mind meeting with our Queen?"
"Yes, but I will go."
Solid purple rolled out to greet his wet shoes and smelly self.
The Queen Regnant sat on her throne, a massive edifice of arcane Snowstone and glacier-ice blue Cryo-Sapphires. There were twelve steps, each flanked with a phoenix on her right and a lion her left, the phoenixes with wings outstretched, the lions mid-roar. Each Snowstone statue lifelike in detail, time and a half in size, eyes of Cryo-Sapphire. All leading up to the Everwinter Throne, the head of the seat reaching into the cieling like a column pressed against a wall. The heart of the throne, where the monarch sits, was made of solid Cryo-Sapphire, carved and telekinetically reshaped.
Her white haired and silver eyed gaze bored into what remained of his soul.
He honestly wished to die, hence he did not kneel and instead maintained eye contact.
The queen sat unmoving, straight backed and hands clasped upon her lap, before she closed her eyes and sighed.
"Do you know why I had you brought here?" she asked him.
"Tell me."
She made a hole in the world, and soon the hole showed a world...
His world.
A world of war and horror... a world of only suffering and false hope, a world that-
-is covered in farms and schools and playing children?
He teleported over to the gazing hole to confirm. Yes, unmistakable. It is. Somehow.
"My apologies, but can you give me some personal space?"
He was standing atop one of her throne's armrests. He teleported back to his prior location and did a quick bow.
"My apologies. You took me by surprise thats all,"
"It is fine. If you are ready, I can show you more."
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j5vfdy5 wrote
Reply to Pregnancy Thoughts [OC] by LitterboxComics
The prophecy is true.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j501gyc wrote
Reply to comment by MathetesKhole in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
>gods mention acts of kindness from El, God of Israel to their peoples.
Such as Joshua 8:24-29 where Israel put an entire city to the sword. Men, women, and children.
Leviticus 25:44-46 (literal slavery)
44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Joshua 6:20-21, Israel putting Jericho to the sword. Every living being except one extended family.
Numbers 31: 15 “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
32 The plunder remaining from the spoils that the soldiers took was 675,000 sheep, 33 72,000 cattle, 34 61,000 donkeys 35 and 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.
Vengence on the midianites.
The other sumerian/middle eastern gods should be hosting a war crime summit, not mention acts of kindness. In fact, why do the other gods inexplicably start showing respect? This seems very out of character.
Why does Baal come to El's defense? Hell bible wise, Yahweh/Elohim/El do not like him and orders his followers to strike down the temples of other gods. Specifically his.
Speaking of El, according to what information I can find, it does not specifically refer to the God of Israel, but seems to be a title given to the supreme deity of a given pantheon. Or a major deity in general.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4wiuxs wrote
Reply to comment by Salt-Narwhal4591 in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
Demiurge? As in Gnosticism?
Unexpected but not unwelcome.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4wfb5n wrote
Reply to comment by Highsky151 in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
>god of fertility
Its the godly equivalent of 'wtf?'
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4vjexf wrote
Reply to comment by SunshineInDetroit in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
I thought about it, but that assumes the others cared enough about him to remember.
So I did not add it in.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4vgly0 wrote
Reply to comment by Phenoix512 in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4uwv7e wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
These are separate gods, Izanagi husband and Izanami wife.
One died and stays in Yomi. A Shintoism afterlife-esque place.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4uv83u wrote
Reply to comment by TentacleJihadHentai in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
(Non-canon) Addition:
So Izanagi, tell us. How come you and Izanami seems to get along so well? Zeus inquired.
Indeed. Do tell. Odin added.
I mean. The worst I ever did to her...was leave her alone to calm down after our fight near Yomi. Its not like I go around impregnating mortals at random. Besides, what is there for her to hate me over? I am faithful, raised my kids with love, and do not randomly sire demi- Zeus?
Odin sniggered.
...It is nothing my friend. Zeus replied.
Odin's smugness permeated the whole Realm
Animalistic skirt chaser
Odin my friend... were Thor and Baldr not born from different women, within a year of each other?
And then there was silence.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4uthav wrote
Reply to comment by IndioRamos in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4utfnc wrote
Reply to comment by HellStoneBats in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
Nah, go for it.
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4uteia wrote
Reply to comment by 10_Eyes_8_Truths in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
TentacleJihadHentai t1_j4utcqa wrote
Reply to comment by Enough_Worry4104 in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
Noah is the youngest of the flood stories mentioned. By centuries.
Some fun fact.
TentacleJihadHentai OP t1_jegfxio wrote
Reply to comment by TheCapedMoose in [WP] "My dear Crown Prince/Princess, let me tell you the tale of how set out to become a hero, and then became Emperor after marrying your mountain-sized shape-shifting dragon mother." by TentacleJihadHentai
This is a nice coupling of basic history, and characterization. It sounds forced until you realized it's being embellished for the child.