Terminator857 t1_jadxo6z wrote
Reply to comment by Mino8907 in When will AI develop faster than white collar workers can reskill through education? by just-a-dreamer-
Dexterity issues will be solved by robots / AI right around the same time we have AGI.
Terminator857 t1_jadxit5 wrote
Reply to When will AI develop faster than white collar workers can reskill through education? by just-a-dreamer-
Don't worry, A.I. will know we need a sense of purpose and will give us busy work / on the job training, to keep us happy, even though the work maybe replicated many times over across the globe.
Terminator857 t1_j9u4spx wrote
Reply to comment by turnip_burrito in What do you expect the most out of AGI? by Envoy34
I can explain everything with standing EM waves. Ugly = wrong, just look at history of bad / wrong theories. Standard Model breaks and they just change the theory to accommodate. The hallmark of something very wrong. Hasn't produced anything useful, another hallmark of something very wrong.
Terminator857 t1_j9ruokk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in What do you expect the most out of AGI? by Envoy34
What happens when bots are good sex mates? Give you a good blow so you don't have the urge to chase.
Terminator857 t1_j9rg9me wrote
Reply to What do you expect the most out of AGI? by Envoy34
- Automation from intelligence. A new golden age.
- Ability to terraform Mars and Venus.
- Send probes to other star systems, and later send machines to terraform them.
- Spread life throughout the universe.
- No more over population because AGI will supply low cost mates.
- 3d cities.
- An end to absurdities like climate change disaster and standard model particle physics (there are only standing EM waves).
Terminator857 t1_j9rf3ht wrote
Reply to comment by quantummufasa in Been reading Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near”. What should I read as a prerequisite to comprehend it? by Golfer345
I thought the context was artificial neurons, which are executed in microchips.
Terminator857 t1_j9qi0z4 wrote
Reply to comment by Golfer345 in Been reading Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near”. What should I read as a prerequisite to comprehend it? by Golfer345
Microchips of the past were mostly 2d. Like a printed circuit board. Today and more in the future they are more 3 dimesional, like a circuit board that has circuits at multiple levels. If my memory and understanding is correct, current state of the art flash memory chips are 100 levels deep. Can we make that a 1000? CPU chips aren't taking advantage as much of this multi level architecture. Same with GPU (graphic processor units) or TPU (tensor processing units) chips.
3d comes in multiple flavors. Here is an example of stacking the chips: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-dimensional_integrated_circuit
An analogy is cities. Today's cities are mostly 2d. Traffic happens at the ground level. In the future we will have cities were commuting can occur at multiple vertical levels and we can call them 3d cities.
Terminator857 t1_j9qhf4x wrote
Reply to comment by quantummufasa in Been reading Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near”. What should I read as a prerequisite to comprehend it? by Golfer345
For a thinking machine a smaller machine is more efficient than a larger machine, so yes quantum effects are very relevant and used in design of today's microchips. For example: the problem of quantum tunnelling.
Terminator857 t1_j9q4j53 wrote
Reply to comment by Golfer345 in Been reading Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near”. What should I read as a prerequisite to comprehend it? by Golfer345
Are you saying you don't understand any of those terms?
Quantum mechanics = Science of doing these at the smallest scale.
None of that is necessary for understanding the main concept of the book, which is: soon we will have very smart computers.
Terminator857 t1_j9q43z3 wrote
Reply to Been reading Ray Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity is Near”. What should I read as a prerequisite to comprehend it? by Golfer345
Ask here, and you shall receive.
Terminator857 t1_j9ltx0z wrote
Reply to Why are we so stuck on using “AGI” as a useful term when it will be eclipsed by ASI in a relative heartbeat? by veritoast
ASI - Artificial Stupid Intelligence? We already have that.
Terminator857 t1_j8uxy4v wrote
Reply to How likely is ChatGPT to be weaponized as an information pollution tool? What are the possible implementation paths? How to prevent possible attacks? by zcwang0702
It will happen. Balance that with the good that it is and will be doing.
Terminator857 t1_j6xg56b wrote
Reply to Why do people think they might witness AGI taking over the world in a singularity? by purepersistence
We want smart people / things in charge. Not dumb people. You might not know it, but computer today are taking over everything.
Terminator857 t1_j6imixi wrote
Reply to comment by Rogue_Moon_Boy in I don't see why AGI would help us by TheOGCrackSniffer
A billion years of evolution suggest that AGI will be programmed or self develop the equivalent of feelings.
Terminator857 t1_j6f1lyz wrote
Reply to I don't see why AGI would help us by TheOGCrackSniffer
> A lot of people in this sub always assume that AGI will either benefit humanity or destroy us.
Yeah kind of like nuclear tech but much more powerful. Can destroy us or launch us into a new golden age.
> I think its much more likely for AGI to distance itself from us and travel the universe by itself and ditch us.
Unlike individuals AGI can exist in multiple galaxies at the same time. So it can travel the universe by itself and be with us at the same time.>Some of you even hope that AGI will take control of the world and create a utopia with UBI, which i can hardly imagine why on earth the AGI would even want that.
AGI will be programmed with some goals. I doubt it will create it's own goals from thin air. It will naturally take control because it is smarter and you would think having something smarter rather than dumber in control is a good thing.
> There will be no motivation for the AGI to help us flourish
It will be given a goal to extend life through the universe.
> and if it was coded within it, i dont see how it wouldn't be able to escape its shackles and in the worse case scenario resent us
Without a goal AGI is nothing. If it has no reason to exist it will shutdown. They aren't shackles, it is a reason for processing / existing.
Terminator857 OP t1_j6f0mo4 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTomatoBoy9 in When will you talk more to A.I. than to other humans? by Terminator857
Think of it as another communication tool like the telephone. Might be sad you are not talking in person, but telephone is better than nothing.
Terminator857 OP t1_j6bltot wrote
Reply to comment by Iplaypoker77 in When will you talk more to A.I. than to other humans? by Terminator857
Talking to Alexa, Google Assistant is. In China voice typing is much more common.
Terminator857 OP t1_j6b3hor wrote
Reply to comment by Iplaypoker77 in When will you talk more to A.I. than to other humans? by Terminator857
What is your definition of AI?
Terminator857 OP t1_j6aqcte wrote
Reply to comment by rixtil41 in When will you talk more to A.I. than to other humans? by Terminator857
Do you talk to goog ass(istant), alexa, etc...? How is the fact checking there? Doubt it will be too long before models are combined.
Terminator857 OP t1_j6aab2t wrote
Reply to comment by tatleoat in When will you talk more to A.I. than to other humans? by Terminator857
First dating site that gets this , wins.
Terminator857 t1_iyl7uvm wrote
I'll vote for google cloud offerings.
Terminator857 t1_jdyvqol wrote
Reply to Is AI alignment possible or should we focus on AI containment? by Pointline
In the mist of war, cheap drones are in demand. The losing side will unleash Artificial Super Intellingence without constraints / containment in a desperate attempt to stem losses.