Test19s t1_j4qpuls wrote
Reply to Bonobos, unlike humans, are more interested in the emotions of strangers than acquaintances by giuliomagnifico
Hopefully we can evolve to be more like them unless their behavior is uniquely tied to their small population and lack of predators.
Test19s t1_j4maapl wrote
Awesome if this trend holds and doesn’t get offset by rising total energy demand or growth in carbon-intensive manufacturing and agricultural processes.
Test19s t1_j4dcohb wrote
Reply to comment by Pryamus in Missile attack on Ukraine: two thermal power plants damaged, one stops producing electricity by Klaasie765
Historically migration from poorer countries to richer ones benefits both sides as the migrants, even if they don’t return, send money back and/or vacation in the old country. In a more zero-sum economy due to tightening supply chains that might not work though.
Test19s t1_j45s0h3 wrote
Reply to comment by VerlinMerlin in Cancer vaccines are showing promise. Here’s how they work. by nastratin
Getting stabbed in the back by your own rising lifespan would be a pretty shitty end for a civilization.
Test19s t1_j43jkrv wrote
Reply to comment by Surur in From 300 GW to 3,000 GW per year – a utopia? by manual_tranny
This I’ve heard in relation to electric cars in particular. Countries with a strong car culture have tons of batteries that at any given time are either idle or being used for low-energy applications like music, gaming, or cooling (cars are much smaller then even tiny apartments).
Test19s t1_j3hqe2c wrote
Reply to comment by LegendaryPlayboy in ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
The competition between robots and humans for inherently scarce or finite resources could get ugly.
Test19s t1_j3hq7xk wrote
Reply to comment by LegendaryPlayboy in ‘Killer robots’ and AI’s ‘dirty little secret’: Many people prefer robots over humans by izumi3682
Americans of the future: “I’m 1/4 Polish, 1/2 Hungarian, and 1/4 robot. Beep boop.”
Test19s t1_j343pps wrote
Reply to comment by Zachariot88 in Depressing subreddit by CatharticFarts
2020 and 2021 were basically the first years on record where the world as a whole got worse, according to UN HDI stats dating back to 1992. Combined with Internet sensationalism and the tendency of humans to be averse to declines, you get a lot of dark thoughts even here.
Test19s t1_j342pi7 wrote
Reply to comment by lennonsteeler in Depressing subreddit by CatharticFarts
2020 and 2021 saw the first declines in global human development on record, fyi. So maybe there’s some hysteria, but there has been a real disruption in records going back at least to 1992.
Test19s t1_j34248x wrote
Reply to comment by Hizjyayvu in Depressing subreddit by CatharticFarts
Other factors:
There was a global run of, on average, improving living standards from 1946-2008/2019 (depending on country). That ending puts us in a situation without a good frame of reference within living memory.
A lot of the more utopian scenarios have been foreclosed upon by either the limits of physics and finite natural resources or by the realities of human nature/the behavior of organisms in a large and complex society.
News media and social media highlight the negatives, because neutral events or gradual progress are the assumed status quo.
Test19s t1_j2b8v9w wrote
Reply to comment by Niubai in Brazil's outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro, who has not acknowledged his electoral defeat, bid followers a tearful farewell Friday without stating whether he would attend Sunday's inauguration of victor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva by DoremusJessup
Jair Bolsonaro, Florida man.
Test19s t1_j29e4nw wrote
Reply to Accepting Science Fiction by Exiled_to_Earth
Hell, even the AI/robotics developments of the 2020s to date (3 years) has been mind-boggling for me. I feel like a god-damn Transformers character, and I didn't grow up watching Transformers. Obviously the digital 1990s-2010s were cool, but the theme was mostly making it easier for humans in Place A to communicate with humans in Place B. Nowadays, many if not most vehicles have AI inside of the vehicles and the venerable Black Hawk helicopter is being replaced by a tilt-rotor that can fly and transform autonomously.
Test19s t1_j26djpi wrote
Reply to comment by HolyAndOblivious in Saudi Arabia Takes Control of AR Pioneer Magic Leap in $450 Million Deal (Report) by LegitVirusSN
Until an absolute turkey of a leader takes power. Look at Xi Jinping for an example.
Test19s t1_j1vcs12 wrote
Reply to comment by ZiggyStardustEP in S. Korea military sorry for failing to down North’s drones by diadectes
The 2020s: The (first?) Transformers-movie decade.
Test19s t1_j126tep wrote
Reply to comment by bgplsa in Does anyone feel trapped here by vapournova
Enjoy life and don't screw it up for future "incarnations" of "yourself". That is all.
Test19s t1_j0nan3h wrote
Reply to comment by Fromgre in DOD Office Moving Ahead in Mission to Identify 'Anomalous Phenomena by DragonfruitOdd1989
(Imagine Transformers movies where the Autobots and Decepticons really are highly advanced, deep-cover classified projects that even the POTUS isn't aware of)
Test19s t1_iziw11x wrote
Test19s t1_iz9aag7 wrote
Reply to comment by DarthMeow504 in Self-driving truck startup Kodiak Robotics wins $50 million deal to help develop driverless Army vehicles by Gari_305
Because that’s Transformers tech, not Terminator tech.
Test19s t1_iyji7s1 wrote
Reply to comment by ultrayaqub in MIT's autonomous assembling robots to construct additional assembly robots and move independently &/or as a swarm to build structures much larger than themselves by manual_tranny
>The 2020s
>An elaborate Transformers movie
They’re the same picture
Test19s t1_iyj9mi4 wrote
Reply to comment by boltzmannman in MIT's autonomous assembling robots to construct additional assembly robots and move independently &/or as a swarm to build structures much larger than themselves by manual_tranny
Plot twist: It’s all viral marketing for the new Transformers movie dropping next summer. All of it, like I mean every single event since December 2019.
Test19s t1_iye7fjv wrote
Reply to comment by McBurty in Iranian Sunni Clerics Release Video Urging End To Deadly Crackdown On Protesters by DegnarOskold
If anything, this could inflame the sectarian angle of the current crisis.
Test19s t1_iy903ez wrote
Reply to comment by Who_Wouldnt_ in Russia steals almost 900 tons of grain in Luhansk Oblast by sviterochec
They are no longer anything close to Communist. They claim to be conservative nationalists now.
Test19s OP t1_iy1hff5 wrote
Reply to comment by joseph-1998-XO in MIT Engineers Design Self-Building Robots That Can Grow Into Bigger Machines by Test19s
Terminators never turn into buildings or vehicles. [Transformers do.](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Titan_(group))
>including recent studies demonstrating that objects like a deformable airplane wing and a functional racing car can be assembled from tiny identical lightweight pieces
Test19s OP t1_iy1a8do wrote
Reply to comment by thackstonns in MIT Engineers Design Self-Building Robots That Can Grow Into Bigger Machines by Test19s
Which is why I created a sub (/r/tf_politics) to track all this TF tech in the wild.
Test19s t1_j4qqjjq wrote
Reply to comment by cosmoboy in Bonobos, unlike humans, are more interested in the emotions of strangers than acquaintances by giuliomagnifico
Hopefully it’s possible to have an intelligent, populous species that still displays those personality improvements - either via education, mating for xenophilia, or more ethically controversial approaches.