Test19s t1_isub01z wrote
Reply to comment by 1Guanocrazycaucasian in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
I was born right as G1 faded from consciousness in my country, and by the time Bumblebee came back to my country I had graduated high school. So I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
Test19s t1_isu82by wrote
Reply to comment by 1Guanocrazycaucasian in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
Obviously it’s different for people with families, but as a single guy I’m just riding the wave in the birth decade of Optimus Prime! (Adam Savage met him recently on YouTube)
Test19s t1_isu63ue wrote
Reply to comment by 1Guanocrazycaucasian in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
Every day I thank Allah for remaking me into an obsessive Transformers fan in 2019. I’m ready for this decade.
Test19s t1_isu5917 wrote
Reply to comment by mossadnik in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
Killer robots may reduce combatant casualties, but I do not want to think about the damage to civilians or infrastructure that would come from some warlord or terrorist with a 100% loyal drone army limited in size only by his bank account.
Test19s t1_isu4rt4 wrote
Reply to The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
Ideally killer robots and drones would be used in bot vs. bot jousting to reduce casualties, but I have no doubt that certain countries will use them against civilians or infrastructure. The goal of war is to incapacitate your opponent, not to defeat them like a Pokémon rival.
Test19s t1_isu4ind wrote
Reply to comment by Ralfpker in Killer drones vie for supremacy over Ukraine by V2O5
We’re watching the First Great Robot War unfold in real time. How I wish I was not a Transformers character.
Test19s t1_isu38kd wrote
Reply to comment by lughnasadh in As middle-mile autonomous robotic delivery finally arrives, both Amazon and FedEx are shutting down their last mile robot delivery initiatives. by lughnasadh
Friendship ended with robot loot boxes
Robot trucks are new best friend
Test19s t1_ispdixr wrote
Reply to comment by Crabcakes5_ in NATO countries are getting serious about sending armed robots into battle by Gari_305
The point of war isn’t to win a sporting contest but to incapacitate the enemy. These will likely be used against infrastructure or worse against civilians if they force a faster surrender. An absolutely loyal drone army is capable of incredible evil if it falls into the wrong hands.
Test19s t1_is5d6jp wrote
Didn’t Amazon bail on these? Or is that just due to the recessionary environment in the USA?
Test19s t1_is2n0vr wrote
Reply to comment by evenman27 in Lab grown brain cells play video game ‘pong’ by dacourtbatty
Don’t shoot me. I’m just the guy who watched a Transformers movie back in 2019 (although technically this is more Go-Bot technology).
Test19s t1_is2j8hn wrote
Imagine taking someone from 2019 and fast forwarding them into 2022. They would think they were either high or a science fiction character.
Test19s t1_is2cpos wrote
Reply to comment by Give_me_the_science in Big Googly Eyes Could Make Autonomous Cars Safer For Pedestrians by greenappletree
Roll with all this cartoon robo-car stuff imo. It’d be fun if GM relaunched their Camaro Transformers Special Edition with modern driver assistance features (and licensed voices!) too.
Test19s t1_is2b49g wrote
Reply to comment by Turget in Big Googly Eyes Could Make Autonomous Cars Safer For Pedestrians by greenappletree
There needs to be more fun and cuteness in the world.
Test19s t1_is2aq5w wrote
Reply to comment by thinkB4WeSpeak in Big Googly Eyes Could Make Autonomous Cars Safer For Pedestrians by greenappletree
Why not both? Large parts of the northern USA and most of Europe have cars as well as walkable streets.
Test19s t1_is1doa6 wrote
It seems like, with the exception of the COVID vaccine, nothing can be delivered on time anymore. What’s changed since the days of the space race and the Manhattan Project?
Test19s t1_irvw2s3 wrote
Reply to comment by Longjumping_Kale1 in Quantum windows mean machines can see millions of colours by Apart_Shock
“Something’s Amish.”
Test19s t1_ire96w2 wrote
Reply to Why some countries are leading the shift to green energy. The findings offer important lessons as many governments around the world race to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the devastating impacts of climate change. by Wagamaga
> For example, Meckling said, many countries in continental and northern Europe have created institutions that allow policymakers to insulate themselves from pushback by voters or lobbyists or to pay off constituencies impacted by the transition. As a result, many of these countries have been more successful at absorbing the costs associated with transitioning to a clean energy system, such as investing in greater wind capacity or upgrading transmission grids.
Hopefully these institutions can be replicated in places with different origins. I really don’t want us going back to the days of Northern European cultural supremacy.
Test19s t1_ircpzw7 wrote
Reply to comment by m0ondogy in Where is there the most fall color? [OC] by cremepat
Do you know which tree species those are?
Test19s t1_irb6ev2 wrote
Reply to comment by stick_always_wins in China Pairs Armed Robot Dogs With Drones That Can Drop Them Anywhere by Gari_305
Much older. A larger robot that carries a smaller one that unfurls into a four-legged killer animal bot dates back at least to Transformers 1984 (Ravage).
Test19s t1_iranyp9 wrote
Reply to comment by Gari_305 in China Pairs Armed Robot Dogs With Drones That Can Drop Them Anywhere by Gari_305
Decepticon cassette. Ugh.
Test19s t1_irann41 wrote
Why did I have to get into Transformers in 2019? Now I’m seeing plots everywhere. Imagine if I’d gotten into the Munsters instead; we’d have Frankenstein by now instead of discount Soundwave.
Test19s t1_iqxs88g wrote
Reply to This machete is controlled by a plant yielding a robot arm. hat does this mean for the field of robotics? Don't anger the plants by Leprechan_Sushi
It’s art. Not supposed to be practical, but it sure caused a conversation.
Test19s t1_iqphbwx wrote
Reply to comment by paulfromatlanta in Development of social robots can take cues from dog-human bonds by WallStreetDoesntBet
There already is a drone modeled after notorious trickster/traitor Starscream. I have a love-hate relationship with 2020s humanity although it has more than made up for a childhood with minimal Transformers exposure.
Test19s t1_isz5t10 wrote
Reply to comment by scuffling in Warehouse giants like Amazon and others are desperate for more robots, but human workers worry they make the job more dangerous by Sorin61
And with the current supply chain issues, robots (unlike immigrants or local humans) don’t compete for food or housing.