
Test19s t1_jcxt7at wrote

Humans are a vile tribal bunch, and as long as the most prosperous countries are those with limited migration and very high percentages of Northern European ancestry my faith in humanity is absent.


Test19s t1_jbpxx7n wrote

We literally don’t have the resources for post-scarcity, at least not without turning the planet into Coruscant. What’s more likely is that we’ll have more security and work fewer hours per week, with much higher levels of self-employment or small businesses. The “Norman Rockwell with autonomous vehicles sprinkled in” future is my hope, and the kids who grew up on Transformers: Rescue Bots are already conditioned for it.


Test19s t1_jbppowr wrote

My grim intrusive thoughts are that we’re heading into an era of complex problems (the climate, regulating and taming capitalism, public health, public infrastructure) that require collective action and likely require more cohesive nation-states than most of the world has available to them, a huge shift from the prior 75 years and one that could prove devastating to regions like the Americas with low-cohesion, high-diversity histories. I don’t want to die and be buried in Planet Nazbol.


Test19s t1_jbejxxj wrote

“So, uh, this weird peninsula on the west coast of Asia, whose population is indigenous to nowhere because the real natives died off, is going to become the dominant power in world history.” Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes.


Test19s t1_jbebqf3 wrote

IIRC modern Europeans are relative latecomers, genetically speaking, and the earliest human remains found on the European peninsulas are genetically closer to Asians and Indigenous Americans than they are to the Europeans of, say, the Middle Ages.


Test19s t1_j8s021g wrote

Voluntary, consensual eugenics with the goal of closing gaps and creating a less tribal species would be really good if we could figure out how to implement it. Many if not most ideologies converge on something resembling fascism if taken to their extreme, though, with a loyalist inner circle and an oppressed “other.” Leftist ideologies aren’t immune.