
Thanks9527 t1_j5zdgab wrote

I had the seller drive to the nearest dealership to do an inspection.

I would get in touch with a service advisor there and have them bill me (of course) with my info.

But it comes down to if the seller is willing to do so. If the seller's got something to hide and not agree to a pre purchase inspection it might be a red flag.


Thanks9527 t1_j5zbvxh wrote

I've bought a car from Alabama and this is what I've done.

Get pre-purchase inspection to see everything is good. Purchase agreement with bank loan so the bank has the info of the seller, cuts check to him and mail the check over.

He mails the signed title and I arrange shipping. Meanwhile after receiving the title I go register the car and wait for the car to arrive.

Car arrives, put on the plate and all good to go.

In your case I would have him do pre purchase inspection to check out everything is good and after paying him, FedEx the signed title to you and you can register the car in NJ, fly down with the plate and drive the car home without any issues.