
That_Checks t1_itwc9qr wrote

I loathe Oz. I've even joked about wanting my politicians do all be like Fetterman so they are less effective. Because, the less they all do, the better the country is for it.

You glossing over the mental handicaps that are apparent with a stroke while getting mad at people for pointing it out is what is known as turning a blind eye. It's unfortunate that this happened to JF. He was the better candidate for a multitude of reasons to me...up until that stroke.


That_Checks t1_itvvgg4 wrote

It's obvious that you are equating people you don't like/agree with on the same plane as someone having a stroke and being proven to have cognitive disabilities. And then you just went on an emotional diatribe. Your original position was that being mentally handicapped would be an inspiration for the mentally handicapped. I'm glad that is not the reality of how we vote.


That_Checks t1_itv7ame wrote

Okay, first of all, we have disabled Americans serving as inspiration for other diasbled Americans and that sure as hell should be on the very bottom of why anyone would endorse a candidate. A stroke is much more than a lost limb though. So you can do the ra-ra for JF, but would you 1) ride as a passenger in a car with him as the driver or 2) trust him to fill out medical/legal/financial paperwork that would affect you for the rest of your life? That's the problem with what we saw last night. Nobody knows what comes next. Lastly, I hate that this happened and Mehmet Oz is now the more qualified candidate somehow.


That_Checks t1_itulbsi wrote

I felt your pain also. 27 years ago. Was 4 hours from a set of keys and vehicle, sitting in a dorm room. Mandatory suspension.

So, I looked up the bill and the only people not getting the license back appear to be the 1 and 3-year suspensions. The 90-day mandatory for an underage minor appears to be gone thanks to this policy.

Edit: policy was already gone....