
TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j6zruze wrote

>It wasn't too long ago that I was getting recycling picked up every week

Recycling hasn't been picked up weekly since a little after covid after started. From what I remember BPD hasn't gotten back to the staffing levels they had pre-covid. My guess is like everywhere else the labor shortage is preventing them from returning to the same staffing levels as before for the same budget. So ironically they probably need to spend more of 'your tax dollars' to hire the workers.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j5tthn9 wrote

Ha, Yea that’s the same feeling I get when browsing it. In my head it’s As you say very high stung people living in a city for the first time. It’s like a bunch of the sub grew up in the DC suburbs but upper middle class. Another bunch came from the suburbs of some small Midwest city like Tulsa or something and have never seen real city problems. And the rest are leftovers from the last presidential administration. It gets real dog-whistlely in there sometimes.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j5r2sxf wrote

The DC sub hates this guy and blames him for the shitty state of the metro. They seem to feel the new head is turning that around but most seem to think Wiedefeld sucked at running it. Some said the problems were bigger than him, but they are a minority.

So I’m not really sure if this is good. But to be fair the DC sub is one of the most hysterical, over reacting and screaming ‘our leaders are failing us’ on every topic, city subs I visit so…


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j325g4j wrote

The intersection at Boston st and Ponca, only minority of drivers seem to understand the lanes kinda shift as you go through the intersection and ontop of that like every 3rd car drives straight through the right turn only lane. I'm amazed there isn't an accident there every time I get to that chaotic mixing bowl.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j1ajw7u wrote

This is great, after moving here from the south the one thing that stood out to me was the lack of outside dinning made everywhere feel dead. My only concern is if the price is sustainable and wether a restaurant will have to pay it for all year round or just in the warmer months when outdoor dinning is popular.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j0vwrbv wrote

> It's meant to empower citizens to defend themselves.

This is a lie, as you so well demonstrate in the rest of your comment. You're allowed to 'defend yourself' under duty to retreat laws, but as you show what you really want is approval to hurt or kill the person you're mad at.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j0vdm9a wrote

> Just as a little aside, I don’t think a lot of people grasp the grave impact of killing or seriously injuring another person, not just on the person they have defended themselves against, but on themselves as well

It's astonishing the amount of CCW advocates that will 'look down at me' or call me 'weak' or 'willing victim' for being glad I didn't kill the kid who robbed me once. They put NO value on other peoples lives.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_iy0whg2 wrote

I’m not making any allegations, I’m just not believing theirs without further proof. Now would you like to buy a 2003 Honda Accord with only 465,877 miles? Runs perfect, never had a problem. Cash only and you can’t see it first. I mean you wouldn’t ‘make allegations’ against me by not believing me right.


TheCaptainDamnIt t1_ixzjbss wrote

I don't have any 'theory' other than I require 3rd party confirmation of claims other than from the party most benefiting from the claim. Just like I wouldn't 'trust' a used car dealer about the state of a car until I got another mechanic to look it over.

But hey, you do you. Believe those Amazon reviews, don't get a house you're looking to buy inspected (just trust the seller) and please DM me about some land I have to sell. It never floods.