
TheDancingRobot t1_izuokci wrote

The first snow of the year is always one of the most dangerous - The roads are not treated, there's no layer of salt, there's no sand - They're all smooth - and a lot of out of state students and first drivers have not ever witnessed witnessed snow and they're driving with - what they think it is traction just because they have 4WD, AWD, or a light SUV. There will most likely be a significant number of accidents.


TheDancingRobot t1_izoubqp wrote

People in this area are more apt to have their wealth represented in where they live, not in the vehicle that they drive. Their vehicles are not their identity - the fact that they're located in Cambridge often is. Higher value cars are often a bad investment as well.

Which is often times why you see some souped-up Escalade parked outside a very low rent district - people want others to assume that they're wealthy when they're not - and those who are wealthy often times don't want to attract attention to it - especially if their priorities are more tangible and they don't give a shit about what others think.


TheDancingRobot t1_itbiije wrote

On the esplanade - yes but the further down the river you go, the bike path is filled with 24 long boats and thousands and thousands of people, vendors, tents, trucks, everything.

Down near the city, along the esplanade and the mouth of the river, it's going to be a normal Saturday - but up past Harvard is chaos. In a wonderful way because Saturday is going to be absolutely gorgeous.