
TheHamsterSandwich t1_it87l2j wrote

No, we're not in a simulation.

Sure, it's fun to think something like that.

However, throughout my life I've seen horrible things happen. Things that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. In a world like this, I find it more believable that we're here simply because of impossible odds.

Here's something to think about...

What kind of creator of a simulation would allow such suffering to occur? There are problems all around the world that the technological singularity has potential to solve.

People like Elon Musk think they're in a simulation because their life goes well, I'd even go as far as saying a little too well. Like levels of "I could solve longevity but I don't want to" levels.

The creator of the simulation needs us to suffer for their enjoyment?

Now that is what I call true evil.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ist58s5 wrote

"Well, some people were skeptical because the vaccine was developed so quickly. But I think we're going to have to get over that. It is good that we had the vaccine otherwise many more people would have died. I’m not saying we're there yet but we are beginning to simulate biology and ultimately we'll find solutions to all the problems we have in medicine using simulated biology. So, we've just begun." - Ray Kurzweil