TheHomersapien t1_iyi8nwj wrote
Reply to comment by ataraxic89 in Senate confirms first inspector general for Pentagon in 7 years by Darth__Monday
The unconfirmed people in that role were installed by Trump, so yeah, in effect there was nobody there. And that's the reason he didn't have anyone confirmed: he wanted to install a flunky that would work to deepen and broaden that swamp he was gonna "drain."
TheHomersapien t1_iuiqmew wrote
Reply to Downpipe bend required for gutter by altreunau
I would go to Home Depot and buy a 8 or 10' length of 4" corrugated drain pipe and call it a day. Clean it out in the spring and fall and it'll be just fine.
TheHomersapien t1_iuddxz0 wrote
Reply to comment by MetaphoricalMouse in Chinese cities brace for wave of Foxconn workers from COVID-hit Zhengzhou by KimCureAll
Because China was famously pro freedom before COVID. Yep. That darn COVID was cooked up in a lab so that China could finally exert authoritarian control over the masses.
TheHomersapien t1_j19xxyz wrote
Reply to comment by CorporateSympathizer in '1923' Creator Taylor Sheridan Reveals the Insane Price Tag Attached to 'Yellowstone' Spinoff by CorporateSympathizer
He sounds like a massive prick.
>SHERIDAN: They were excited. They only signed on originally for one season. They were so eager to continue it…Harrison made a comment at one point, he goes, Taylor I think I’m making the best thing I’ve made in 20 years. And my response to him was, what the fu*k did you make 20 years ago as good as this? What was that? I missed that one. What was it?
That pretty much summed up his tone throughout the article.