TheHumanPickleRick t1_jec2mx7 wrote
Reply to comment by Alkill1000 in The warranty for my new soap dispenser. by Boiling_Frustration
Good point, it would make more sense to have a touch-free dryer instead if you're that concerned about shared contact.
TheHumanPickleRick t1_je7biwv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Found Nicko Avocado pic on a weight loss tea packaging in Pakistan by thedarkmetal
Or just appetite suppressing stimulants like meth.
TheHumanPickleRick t1_jdwo5kx wrote
Reply to comment by Few-School-3869 in CPR training kiosk at the airport. by wildo83
🎵You can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk🎵
TheHumanPickleRick t1_jdia2zy wrote
Reply to comment by W1ngedSentinel in [WP] Gandalf and Dumbledore switch places. Gandalf is now running Hogwarts, while Dumbledore is leading The Fellowship. by yax51
Dumbledore is basically the Obi-Wan Kenobi of Harry Potter, he could probably apparate to Mount Doom based upon a sufficient enough description from Elrond.
they appear over the lava, Dumbledore lets go
Dumbledore appears back in Rivendell
"It's done."
"Where's Fro-"
"Thanks for destroying the Ring! Ten points to Dumbledore!"
TheHumanPickleRick t1_j6hlnab wrote
Reply to comment by iaintlyon in This photo of Biden at my work by ladycrazyuer
Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.
TheHumanPickleRick t1_j2dd682 wrote
Oh this is perfect for kids. What?! You guys don't know the heartwarming story of the adorable panda cub Cannibal and his best friend, a funny little meerkat named Holocaust? They have to go on a quest to Long Pork Island to defeat the evil Dr Lecter, a clearly evil jaguar (we know he's evil because his face is long and he has a scar on his jaw) and stop him from trying to ruin the world with his vague yet ominous-sounding evil plan.
TheHumanPickleRick t1_j0dcpsd wrote
Reply to comment by Anna_0401 in (OC) My hamster just wants to say hello to you. Have a nice day! by Anna_0401
Yeah, and her name could be "Li'l Puffcheeks" lol
TheHumanPickleRick t1_j0dbpbq wrote
Aww hi lil buddy!
(No autocorrect I do mean lil not Lil, I don't think the hamster's a rapper)
TheHumanPickleRick t1_iznxbf3 wrote
Reply to comment by ProfessionalWeak3156 in [WP] You finally did it, you built a time machine! You head back 2000 years to Jerusalem, thinking you'd finally end the debate and see Jesus for yourself... but, when you finally find him and look at him, he suddenly turns towards you as if struck by an invisible force, rage visible in his eyes. by NewRomanian
"Laurent Gbagbo takes over as president of Côte d'Ivoire following a popular uprising against President Robert Guéï. Bret Hart retires."
So Jesus sent this guy back in time to become a warlord of the Ivory Coast.
TheHumanPickleRick t1_iydw69r wrote
What's most impressive is how Santa can apparently shit through his pants, considering how he didn't have to take them down.
TheHumanPickleRick t1_jec327j wrote
Reply to comment by redshift739 in The warranty for my new soap dispenser. by Boiling_Frustration
The same people who would have a touch-free soap dispenser in their house.