TheLieDetectorBro OP t1_je6sska wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Israeli scientists develop drought-resistant tomatoes by TheLieDetectorBro
And if all fails, mass extinction by tomatoes is at least pretty funny.
TheLieDetectorBro OP t1_je57k5l wrote
> The new variety, expected to hit supermarket shelves in the near future, can grow with half as much water;
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdov9lu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
100%, but none of them talked about resigning from the government, just not agree to vote for his "Reform".
Could this start some sort of chain of events that will make them resign or Bibi to fire them? Maybe. But I doubt it. Though that will be extremely good!
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdov2uj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Well, if Ganz would not have agreed there could have been another election. And this was during peak Covid, when many were scared and believed stability is more important.
So that was Ganz's excuse, which you have to make up your own mind whether you believe him or just think he saw a way for himself to be PM after Bibi (They were supposed to have a 2-2 year rotation) and got blinded by it.
In hindsight though, the left-center parties were probably right and Ganz should have refused. We only got a shitty useless government which fell apart quickly and by now we know, Bibi is literally trying to destroy our Democracy.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdou3yp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
For sure. If there are elections right now, there's a very good chance Lapid will end up as PM.
But assuming Netanyahu will ever resign is a stretch. He will only stop if his government will lose majority.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdot0ff wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Ganz agreed to a coalition with Bibi despite literally everyone knowing Bibi will not honor his agreement with him... Which of course happened.
He also supported very controversial rules regarding military pensions, basically allowed illegal higher than allowed pensions by the law and made it legal after the fact.
And of course, he is kind of a goofball.
Still leagues better than Bibi, no question.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdos3ml wrote
Reply to comment by Bob_Juan_Santos in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Only about 16% of us voted for this piece of shit. He just allies himself with literally all corrupted politicians available in the country to form a coalition. Practically selling them our entire country just so they support his corrupted revolution, destroying Israel in order to avoid his trial.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdorqhp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Another Israeli here. Lapid is a clown, but a 1,000,000 times better than the corrupted Bibi. He is also the second most popular candidate after Bibi by far, got 850K votes to Bibi's 1.1M last election.
But it's just personal opinions of course, many Israelis love Lapid and they have pretty good reasons for it.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdor89e wrote
Reply to comment by Infinaris in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
It is kind of true.
While of course Bibi did not organize Rabin's assassination himself in any way, he was running a very aggressive hate campaign against him at the time, which many claim has partial fault for the murder.
Some of the demonstrations he led even contained imagery of Rabin as a Nazi, and hanging ropes with a coffin with Rabin's name written on it (Bibi claims he magically did not notice this after the murder, despite photo evidence showing he was less than a meter away).
I cannot even begin to find the words that describe how vile this piece of shit is and how much hate he has caused in Israeli society.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdny7qt wrote
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdnxjmt wrote
Reply to comment by BHisa in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Yeah she fucked up big time. But who knows, could be for the best long term, as finally the sane liberal majority in Israel is fighting for our rights, after decades of apathy.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdnut93 wrote
Reply to comment by AgentTrashPanda in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Wrong. We will not let this happen.
Hundreds of thousands of us are in the streets for months now. Many elements in the army, police, education, the entire high tech industry, academia and much more are with us. There are good news already, as just hours ago a few members from Netanyahu's own coalition declared that the reform needs to stop.
This could be the death blow for this corrupted piece of shit. And even if not, we are just getting started.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdns55j wrote
Reply to comment by Maximieus in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
Perfect storm of Bibi allying with all extremists elements in Israel, bribing them with everything they want. Together with some left leaning parties fucking up majorly. 2 very important parties refused to unite despite advice and one of them did not make it to the government because of it.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdns0qi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Thousands rally in Tel Aviv against Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial overhaul | Further demonstrations come after Israeli prime minister vowed to press on with changes despite international concern by misana123
What a lovely thing to wish on another country.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdapma5 wrote
Reply to comment by MeteorPhoenix in Israel says no plan for new settlements in West Bank area evacuated in 2005 by Throwaway08080909070
> None of this, none of this, has anything to do with settlements. These are all arguments for a continued military presence in the areas, raids, attacks, etc. Gaza given you problems? Send the army in, crush the people bombing you. Those are military responses to military problems and they are not war crimes.
I 100% agree to this. Which is why I am against the settlements and am in the streets for months now protesting against our shittiest government to date.
But reality is more complex than that and after so much violence, as I demonstrated in my comment, you can easily understand why Israelis are becoming more radicalized too, not just the Palestinians. To this date, all serious major attempts for peace only came from Israel, I'm afraid it would be much easier for us to cool things down if the other side will reciprocate that sentiment, just a tiny bit...
I mean you can talk ideals all you want but people are people. And when you have to run away with your kids at 4 am for the third time that night to the shelter because of the Palestinian leaders, don't be surprised when many Israelis let the extremists win and do whatever they like.
> coupled with the demolitions of Palestinians houses and villages
This is entirely a myth. Settlements are built on empty lands 99.99% of times and the vast amounts of house demolitions happening are inside Israel's territory to illegally built houses, where the same laws apply to both Jews and Israeli-Arabs.
The rest (The minority by far) are usually houses of Palestinian terrorists who murdered Israelis. This is done as a tiny form of justice, as the Palestinian authorities will not only won't attempt to stop the terrorist, but actually pay him or his family pensions for life for the successful murder of Israelis. (Called the Martyr fund, you are welcome to look it up).
In that way they incentivize our murders economically, so destroying the house is at least something.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdamofp wrote
Reply to comment by MeteorPhoenix in Israel says no plan for new settlements in West Bank area evacuated in 2005 by Throwaway08080909070
Look, I object to the settlements. They do nothing to help any sort of possible peace.
But the fact is that the Palestinians have refused a peace deal and autonomy over this land. Israel offered it 5 times already.
What they did offer to Israel is an endless amount of suicide bombers, explosive charges, guns, knives, molotovs and more, all targeted specifically against Israeli innocent civilians.
These are actually crimes against humanity, the most evil kind. It's time the Palestinians show they are actually willing to go for peace on their side as well.
Did you know the Palestinian leadership pays pensions to terrorists who murdered Israeli civilians? They even pay you more the more you kill, this is not a joke.
Not to mention their education system teaching literal 3 years old to attack Jews and much more.
These are all incredibly serious crimes that started happening long before the settlements became such a problem.
Also, Israel has already attempted evacuating all settlements around the Gaza strip, all they got in return is tens of thousands of rockets directed on their cities. You read that right, tens of thousands.
What I'm getting at is, you can call people settling a land that was taken from them violently 70 years ago "War criminals" all you want. But if you want anything productive to actually happen, maybe start looking to the Palestinians to prove, for the first time in history, that they are willing to make an actual peace. I promise you this will empower the Israeli left again and the settlements will be solved.
And BTW, all of this violence coming from the Palestinians towards Israelis, makes your comparison to Ukraine incredibly empty and ridiculous, so I suggest stopping with that one if you care at all about actual facts and honesty.
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdakv4c wrote
Reply to comment by MeteorPhoenix in Israel says no plan for new settlements in West Bank area evacuated in 2005 by Throwaway08080909070
> If we cared what happened thousands of years ago, let's just go ahead and revive the Roman Empire then.
TIL 1948 was "Thousands of years ago"
TheLieDetectorBro t1_jdaazkk wrote
Reply to comment by MeteorPhoenix in Israel says no plan for new settlements in West Bank area evacuated in 2005 by Throwaway08080909070
It's way more complicated than that. Jews have been living in the WB constantly for thousands of years until 1948, when 99% of their communities were ethnically cleansed from there following Israel's independence war and Jordan's control over the area.
I mean, Israel let hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to stay in it's territory and receive equal rights and citizenship (Today they number 2M people, about 20% of Israel). But the Palestinians murdered or expelled all the Jews.
Not that I'm in favor of the settlements, but the situation is complex with good arguments on all sides. redditors are just usually ignorant and see everything through a black and white lens.
Edit: The guy who commented under me apparently blocked me so I can't reply to his factually wrong comment.
Someone should explain to him that his claim that Israel "Couldn't completely ethnic cleanse the land" is incompatible with reality. As the truth is the other way around, and Israel offered the Palestinians sovereignty over the WB and Gaza 5 different times. All refused in favor of an attempt to "Free Palestine from river to sea".
TheLieDetectorBro OP t1_je6wmpj wrote
Reply to comment by pzkkdr in Israeli scientists develop drought-resistant tomatoes by TheLieDetectorBro
Well they have no problems enjoying Israeli technology, Israeli medicine and more... 🤷‍♂️