TheNightmareOfHair t1_j5vusq7 wrote
Reply to Philadelphia juvenile street gang linked to thefts of nearly 100 firearms from Pennsylvania gun stores by TreeMac12
The more guns sold in the U.S., the greater the opportunity for them to end up in the hands of people who will misuse them. End of story. Theft from stores with lax security is just one of the many many many ways that happens.
There are about 10,000,000 firearms manufactured for domestic sale in the U.S. each year, and around 50,000,000 domestic firearm sales. Wondering how guns get into criminals' hands? Well, that's the first number in the equation right there. The other number is the rate of loss to the black market, which can be lowered if we decide as a country that we actually give a crap. (Microstamp all new firing pins; require a background check for sales of ALL guns, ammo, and parts; shut down Armslist and similar sites; give the ATF the tools they need; set up a system of competency testing, registration, and renewal in each state, similar to cars; safe storage requirements; firearms loss reporting requirements; strict liability; etc.)
Never vote for a politician who isn't serious about lowering both numbers.
TheNightmareOfHair t1_j60fld6 wrote
Reply to Only 4 Streateries made the cut for first review by the Art Commission this month. by nemesisinphilly
How these meetings should go:
"Is it more desirable than a parked car? Yes. Don't even have to look at the design. Approved. Moving on."