
TheNormalAlternative t1_iyal64n wrote

I actually whole-heartedly agree.

Just like, in theory, this sub has rules against questions ("Questions go in r/AskNYC, the Monthly Discussion Thread or on r/nyc's Discord") and photos ("Photos of NYC belong in r/nycPICS. Mods will remove photos that are uninteresting, of poor quality or commonly seen compositions. Please use r/nychistory for historic photos, r/nycmaps for maps, r/nycrail for pics of trains or subways and r/FoodNYC for food-related pics. All pics that relate to weather, season, tourist attractions, views, nature, etc. belong in r/nycpics.")

There already is a bike sub, and this sub doesn't need a daily dose of bike lane obstruction pictures. But I feel like this will never happen considering that the Mods don't even strictly enforce the rules against no questions or photos.


TheNormalAlternative t1_ix943s0 wrote

>The staffer — who works for Transportation Alternatives — was biking at Rochester Avenue and Lincoln Place in Brooklyn when he was hit, according to the group’s executive director Danny Harris. The crash was just a block away from the group’s event at Lincoln Terrace in Brownsville.

mind you


TheNormalAlternative t1_ivqdy0u wrote

Most Fraternity houses at Cornell are owned by the school or at least built on school property. Only a handful of them are 100% private property.

Regardless, the school has authority to revoke a fraternity's recognition, which means they basically have to close or operate and rush secretly, not to mention take disciplinary action against students, especially officers in the fraternity


TheNormalAlternative t1_ivqdhf3 wrote

I was in a Jewish fraternity at Cornell about 15 years ago...

Our claim to fame was that we had the best combined GPA of any fraternity on campus for 4 semesters straight until my dumb ass helped end the streak. We had parties but nothing outrageous - my own frat even "wrote me up" for smoking weed at a party because they were so strict.

We were never forced to consumer alcohol against our will but one night they went to a convenience store and bought one of every food item that cost $3 or less and we as a group had to consume it all. And that is how I invented cheese-pickle-mayo sandwiches wrapped in seaweed sushi paper.


TheNormalAlternative t1_iuncpzi wrote

>George Michell owns seven McDonald's locations in Brooklyn and was ordered to pay $1 million to 511 employees who had their rights violated as workers.

That comes out to less than $2,000 per person, even less when you take into account that a handful of employees will be getting more (the article states that at least 2 illegally fired employees will get about 25K)


TheNormalAlternative t1_itru94y wrote

There are separate turnstiles for the airtrain and A train at Howard Beach. The airtrain is upstairs, the subway is downstairs. You can definitely take the A train without paying the airtrain fare.