TheNormalAlternative t1_j38dlj2 wrote
Reply to comment by manormortal in Teen violence spiraling out of control in NYC, Eric Adams and NYPD warn by someone_whoisthat
His name was Robert Paulson Bernie Goetz
TheNormalAlternative t1_j322xuc wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New York lawmakers want to legalize DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline by Character_Mall_1966
To decriminalize actions that shouldn't be crimes
TheNormalAlternative t1_j3076oz wrote
Mushrooms are already legal if you know what to look for and where.
Edit: Confused why people are downvoting this. Psychedelic mushrooms literally grow all over the country, and if you are properly trained, you can hunt for them in NYC's parks.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j1crfr9 wrote
Reply to comment by PZeroNero in 50 MPH Winds, Flooding Rains Threaten NYC; 190M in US Under Winter Storm Alert by PichuLovy
Just Santa passing gas
TheNormalAlternative t1_j1crei4 wrote
Reply to 50 MPH Winds, Flooding Rains Threaten NYC; 190M in US Under Winter Storm Alert by PichuLovy
It's 4:30am and the forecast now says the rain will be mostly done by 8am, no midday thunderstorms as predicted yesterday.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j1an700 wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in James Dolan’s facial ID tech snags another lawyer who says he was booted from Knicks game by PichuLovy
Flip side: as a big company with deep pockets, they are a big potential adversary for infinite other clients. There are plenty of other big fish in the sea who aren't retributive.
And the reality is that 98% of law firms would never have a chance at taking on Dolan/MSG as a client
TheNormalAlternative t1_j1aeloj wrote
Reply to comment by nationalmoz in James Dolan’s facial ID tech snags another lawyer who says he was booted from Knicks game by PichuLovy
>it's something other legal firms will see and think twice about taking him on
>If I'm a partner at a midtown firm, I'm not risking it if it means I lose my Knicks season ticket, can't take my kids to see Harry Styles, etc.
Law Firms make business decisions (e.g., which cases to take on and who to sue) based on the lawfirm's commercial interests and the needs of the clients, not the personal interests of the attorneys.
100% doubt any lawyer, except maybe a sole practitioner, would alter or modify their practice simply out of fear of being iced out of MSG.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j1aeces wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Strain-9847 in James Dolan’s facial ID tech snags another lawyer who says he was booted from Knicks game by PichuLovy
He's mad that Mayor Adams took his spot
TheNormalAlternative t1_j12cgeh wrote
I have delightfully seen scores of subway dogs in my lifetime. I have literally never seen anyone get a ticket over having one on the subway as long as it's leashed.
TheNormalAlternative t1_izz8zeb wrote
Reply to comment by iv2892 in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of December, 2022 by AutoModerator
The MTA would raise fares 500% to try this and service would still be unreliable and slow
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz9ujku wrote
Reply to comment by webtwopointno in Smoked cuy mistaken for rat roast 🐀 🔥 by DragonTypePokemon
They asked "where," not "what"
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz79f2f wrote
Why would property owners from the Middle East care about the history and culture of NYC?
I tell you about those foreign landlords. No respect, no respect at all.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz6slnp wrote
Reply to comment by Dont_mute_me_bro in Weed Gardens: More illicit cannabis shops sprout up in Kew Gardens by painess
I hate to break it to you, but people smoke pot inside their apartments too. People do live upstairs from that and manage just fine.
And I hope a pot shop does open underneath my window.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz5x7v0 wrote
Reply to comment by Dont_mute_me_bro in Weed Gardens: More illicit cannabis shops sprout up in Kew Gardens by painess
>So if a bar near you tries to cater to a different clientele
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, but if I didn't like the crowd at a bar, I simply would not go to that bar. There's a place for everyone.
>has noise at all hours
I think it's incredibly disingenuous to equate "noise at all hours" with anything else. I don't think anyone wants that and I don't think anyone is complaining about that. Weed shops have regular hours too, and it's not like stoners are known for being rambunctious types. You'd get more 24-7 noise living next to a McDonalds or any regular/non-exotic deli/bodega.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz59v1j wrote
Saved you a click: Santacon is Saturday December 10. Avoid the area between Canal St and 42nd street to avoid the worst drunks.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz5814s wrote
Reply to comment by Dont_mute_me_bro in Weed Gardens: More illicit cannabis shops sprout up in Kew Gardens by painess
Sounds like something someone from the suburbs would say. If you want a quiet neighborhood, live in a quiet neighborhood. If a business makes you uncomfortable, that's a you problem.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iz31ncw wrote
Another Post hit piece targeting one specific business.
Didn't the Post do the same thing to Big Chief in Bay Ridge, and then surprise surprise, the sheriffs actually shut it down?
If you don't want weed, don't go into a weed shop. How's it any different than the liquor stores and starbucks that plaster the city that only cater to a plurality of new yorkers.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iyrkkx4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Legal advice regarding rent by bluebird8675
Suing your LL is better than getting sued for withholding rent, which can also affect your credit score
TheNormalAlternative t1_iyrhc0e wrote
Reply to Legal advice regarding rent by bluebird8675
Contact your landlord every day and threaten to sue them in LL/T court for breach if they don't fix the issue
TheNormalAlternative t1_iynd4c8 wrote
Reply to comment by supremeMilo in MTA Flags Contractor Errors, Adds Two More Years to Subway Signal Work Forecast by ToffeeFever
Eh I understand the sentiment but I don't want the MTA to waste money on a lawsuit that will get thrown out. Corporate forms exist exactly for this reason.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iynbmss wrote
Reply to comment by Pennwisedom in The Struggle of NYC’s Weed Bus Pioneer by Shiloh_hc
High Times actually isn't a terrible outlet, and their "journalism" is usually a little better than Leafly, but the author who goes by "Cash Only" probably has never been paid to write in his or her life.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iymsour wrote
Reply to The Struggle of NYC’s Weed Bus Pioneer by Shiloh_hc
This article is big on praise for Uncle Budd but doesn't actually disclose any information about what it's like to run a weed bus. I think this is the most unique piece of info:
>Then, while getting some background details, we noticed framed lyrics on the wall and asked Uncle Budd what the deal was. It turns out he was incarcerated for 21 years, and the lyrics were from the Staind song “Outside,” which Uncle Budd said kept him from losing his spirit while locked up.
I remember listening to Staind when I was a frustrated 12 year old boy.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iymr8ab wrote
Reply to MTA Flags Contractor Errors, Adds Two More Years to Subway Signal Work Forecast by ToffeeFever
Maybe the MTA should sue the manufacturers for causing persistent delays which isn't helping convince ridership to return to pre-pandemic levels.
Time for the MTA to get its poorly spent money back from where it went instead of insisting on more money from farers.
TheNormalAlternative t1_iyalitq wrote
Reply to comment by viksra in Weekly Crime Thread - Week of November 29, 2022 by AutoModerator
I think the new weekly crime thread is wonderful, and should be expanded.
There are multiple posts every week that are just pictures of obscured license plates. These posts do not encourage new or vibrant discussion, just repeating the same echo chamber comments. And at the end of the day, obscuring a license plate is a crime.
Let's also include articles about legislative and executive actions to combat crime unless they're genuinely newsworthy. A fresh article about Mayor Adams pushing for more involuntary commitments is one thing. Articles repeating stale talking points about cops in the subway or how officials are "ignoring" crime can GTFO.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j3m2plo wrote
Reply to Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of January, 2023 by AutoModerator
Can you help identify the perp who pointed a gun at an MTA bus driver in Queens?