Submitted by TheNormalAlternative t3_11840mf in nyc
TheNormalAlternative t1_j8ejqzt wrote
Reply to comment by uppernycghost in MULTIPLE PEDESTRIANS STRUCK BY U-HAUL TRUCK IN BAY RIDGE, BROOKLYN by Darth_Monkey
I'm angry at how irrational it would be to use "PRIDE" and "UHAUL" after starting with "DILDO" and having the 'D' and 'L' both rejected, and then getting no 'A' with "ASIAN." Atrocious Wordle player.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j8ejdsi wrote
>Unconfirmed reports that this could be an act of terrorism.
I don't know what the article said when first posted, but it's been updated and does not include any rumors of terrorism.
TL;DR - apparently, a suicidal person got behind the wheel of his motorhome, i.e., a rental truck, and intentionally struck people while in a possibly altered mental state
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7ig1un wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Federal court upholds NY rent stabilization laws, setting up possible Supreme Court showdown by ER301
There is an appeal as of right from any three judge panel under 28 USC 1253, very rare selection of cases listed under 28 USC 2284, particularly given the recent narrowing of justiciable cases concerning apportionment.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7hrhtz wrote
Reply to comment by Die-Nacht in Federal court upholds NY rent stabilization laws, setting up possible Supreme Court showdown by ER301
Ah yes, how can I forget the famous conservative cause of aborting your tenants.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7hr6n2 wrote
Reply to comment by ER301 in Federal court upholds NY rent stabilization laws, setting up possible Supreme Court showdown by ER301
Yes. They have a public docket available on - or for easier navigation, use the blog
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7gzrbl wrote
Reply to Federal court upholds NY rent stabilization laws, setting up possible Supreme Court showdown by ER301
Reminder that Gothamist does not employ legal scholars and this headline is definitely hyperbole. Like any time a party loses on appeal at the circuit court level, there's a possibility that the Supreme Court may get involved, but usually the high court stays out unless there is a "circuit split" - that isn't the case here.
The Second Circuit's decision (link) relied on a number of Supreme Court cases, including Yee v. City of Escondido, 503 U.S. 519 (1992), a case where the Supreme Court previously rejected the argument that rent control laws were unconstitutional under the Takings Clause.
Gothamist doesn't explain their belief for a showdown other than quoting a sore loser who insists it will try to appeal, but appeals to SCOTUS are rarely made as of right.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7g9byo wrote
Reply to MTA unveils new sleek, high-tech subway cars — here’s what lines are getting them by nemoid
Now with cameras! But will they function?
And how hard is it to get wifi on new cars?!
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7dm33a wrote
Reply to Late for the train. by brooklynlad
You run for the train when you hear it pulling in. You run up/down the staircase when you see it at the platform. But who keeps running on the platform once the train is already in forward motion?
TheNormalAlternative t1_j7dl1ro wrote
Reply to comment by spageddy_lee in Late for the train. by brooklynlad
Or when someone is just sitting on the steps, regardless of hour of the day
TheNormalAlternative t1_j77uyh7 wrote
Reply to comment by AnacharsisIV in ‘Creepy’ raccoons terrorize NYC woman, landlord won’t do anything to help by [deleted]
>This is their home, this is their den,” she lamented.
Well that's why they're looking at you like that
TheNormalAlternative t1_j6js02x wrote
It's really hard to tell what you're missing the way it's mapped out and as answers are filled in. At that point, why even use a map versus just listing them out?
Also, I'm sure this Sporcle quizz already exists x10+
TheNormalAlternative t1_j6jif7t wrote
Reply to What to See in NYC: February 2023 Edition by richarizard
Personally, I maintain a living spreadsheet for NYC concerts, which I update at least twice a week with newly announced shows, while archiving which ones I've attended. I include date and price information and show notes, and before you ask, it's color-coded.
I'm definitely more of a "planner" than most of my peers, so I basically keep it to myself, but I share weekly snippets over on r/NYCConcerts. That is to say, anyone interested in seeing a rock concert this month can subscribe there for more info.
TheNormalAlternative OP t1_j6it967 wrote
Reply to comment by ballots_stones in Brooklyn residents complain of having no say in choice of new NYPD precinct commander, despite new city policy: ‘It’s a farce’ by TheNormalAlternative
Worth pointing out that in many communties, e.g. on Long Island, local residents choose their board of fire commissioners and their school board, including the superintendent.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j5yubmg wrote
Reply to comment by anthonymm511 in Why Hasn’t It Snowed Yet in New York City? by NYY657545
When yesterday's precipitation began, it started as snow and it was snowing for a solid hour or longer before it changed over to rain
TheNormalAlternative t1_j5uotgq wrote
Reply to comment by froggythefish in Why Hasn’t It Snowed Yet in New York City? by NYY657545
El Nino / La Nina were the focus of multiple TIME magazine covers in the 90s.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j5tz7sl wrote
Reply to comment by ThatGuyPhD902 in Why Hasn’t It Snowed Yet in New York City? by NYY657545
TheNormalAlternative t1_j5tyt9a wrote
Reply to comment by froggythefish in Why Hasn’t It Snowed Yet in New York City? by NYY657545
La niña and El niño exist, and that fact is not incompatible with climate change.
They are just names provided to describe where the dominating high pressure system is located over the Pacific - closer to the Equator or further north. The pacific high pressure system plays a significant impact on the jet stream, and is the primary indicator of whether storms roll in thru California or Washington.
In fact, climate change has been blamed for making the effects of these pacific conditions more pronounced and less cyclical.
If you're uninformed about something frequently reported in the news, good chance it's because you're naive not because society is trying to pull one over on you.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j5s2bpn wrote
Reply to Why Hasn’t It Snowed Yet in New York City? by NYY657545
ANOTHER one of these articles? This is like the 3rd or 4th in 2 weeks.
Tl;dr an extended la niña pattern, and a jet stream which has kept the arctic air north of the border while allowing gulf moisture to dominate the east.
Just wait until next weekend. tomorrow (today)
TheNormalAlternative t1_j5qbd8k wrote
One day he's going to cry wolf and no one will believe him, and I personally would be unfazed if this is the time that happened.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j4vy0rh wrote
Reply to NYC eviction rate continues to rise since ban was lifted, as homelessness surges by flightwaves
Usually, when a ban is lifted, the previously banned activity becomes more prevalent.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j4n6gmk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Grocery Chain H Mart to Open Upper East Side Outpost by LouisSeize
The one in midtown is awful. Too cramped and too many people. But most other locations are fantastic!
TheNormalAlternative t1_j3y2p7f wrote
Improv Everywhere tired of being shown up by unwell people who wear no pants on the subway on any given day.
TheNormalAlternative t1_j8sq0pv wrote
Reply to Here’s how I lived off of $23k last year. by ThrowRAanyways2
"Lived" more like "survived"