TheOGCrackSniffer t1_je7gudz wrote
Reply to comment by TheNewRyubyss in Do you guys think AGI will cure mental disorders? by Ok-Wing111
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_jdefz43 wrote
Reply to comment by Kiryln in How will you spend your time if/when AGI means you no longer have to work for a living (but you still have your basic needs met such as housing, food etc..)? by DreaminDemon177
i really disagree with this, also the solution to boredom or lacking meaning in life is absolutely not getting a job, you are still not awake
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_jdefmlh wrote
Reply to How will you spend your time if/when AGI means you no longer have to work for a living (but you still have your basic needs met such as housing, food etc..)? by DreaminDemon177
nothing, i would go outside with the knowledge that i am free and truly take in the world. other than that i would do what i currently do cus im jobless rn :/
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j92255n wrote
Reply to comment by duboispourlhiver in Microsoft Killed Bing by Neurogence
isnt this kinda similar to Li-Fi? what a powerful combination it would be to combine the two
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j817sze wrote
Reply to comment by Practical-Mix-4332 in How far are we from this technology? by FusionRocketsPlease
its what we use to make milkshakes and smoothies, i can't believe i have to explain this >!just kidding its an art application!<
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j6gviyy wrote
Reply to comment by gangstasadvocate in Why did 2003 to 2013 feel like more progress than 2013 to 2023? by questionasker577
eh nowadays because of IoT toasters can be very advanced like this
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j6cp5k1 wrote
Reply to comment by Bataranger999 in Amazing. This subreddit is a total waste of time. by LoquaciousAntipodean
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j6coq3m wrote
Reply to comment by r0cket-b0i in Why did 2003 to 2013 feel like more progress than 2013 to 2023? by questionasker577
if we're being technical toasters from 20 years ago pale in comparison to some of the toasters we have today
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j67q92g wrote
Reply to comment by Shelfrock77 in Superhuman Algorithms could “Kill Everyone” in Due Time, Researchers Warn by RareGur3157
Im tryna play AOT in fdvr hahaha, cant wait to be munched in half by titans
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j67odug wrote
Reply to comment by warpaslym in Don't despair; there is decent likelihood that an extremely large amount of resources will flow from AGI to the common man (even without UBI) by TheKing01
he's a product of his environment and is subject to constant propaganda, its hard to wake up from that position
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j64cukr wrote
Reply to comment by grahag in How life with UBI could look like by Financial_Donut_64
ehh, id only be worried for the west, capitalism is the meaning of life there tbh and suddenly no longer working which is a crucial tenet of capitalism will collapse your worldview, good luck with that. know that work is just a means for survival, nothing more nothing less, if we can survive without work then so be it. it wouldnt be work then but a recreational activity
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j63z55t wrote
Reply to Asking here and not on an artist subreddit because you guys are non-artists who love AI and I don't want to get coddled. Genuinely, is there any point in continuing to make art when everything artists could ever do will be fundamentally replaceable in a few years? by [deleted]
Art has always existed alongside humanity, its a form of expression in my opinion and i think it is slightly below writing and will forever stay with humans. Will art in its current form change and render many artists obsolete? yes, but there will always be humans want to express themselves artistically and other humans who want to engage as we are social creatures.
My advice is to use AI to vastly increase your workflow and become more creative, only an artist will best know how to creatively use the new AI that's coming out, after all gold will float to the top and shit will drown. This is coming from an 3D modelling hobbyist who uses ai to increase my speed
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j5t098c wrote
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j5sz6o9 wrote
Reply to comment by SoylentRox in This subreddit has seen the largest increase of users in the last 2 months, gaining nearly 30k people since the end of November by _dekappatated
hahahahahaha, funniest thing i ever heard, a license for what's arguably a human right
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_j5e5e8t wrote
Reply to comment by AncientGreekHistory in What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
Alright since most people would think that way i think it would be optimal to wait an additional generation and adopt at the 4th gen
TheOGCrackSniffer t1_je7h9rd wrote
Reply to Do politicians in your country already talk about AI? by ItsPepejo
Hehe they don’t even know they exist