TheRealGeigers t1_j1zsp6o wrote
Reply to comment by CheckPlease54 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
Claims the right to bear arms to defend yourself, which would that not be the same principle for the knife?
Laws do change peoples behavior, the law abiding citizens but NOT criminals which is my point that you keep skirting.
GG EZ no re new team.
TheRealGeigers t1_j1zq7bv wrote
Reply to comment by CheckPlease54 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
So give me some sources, references, literally anything. All you keep saying is im wrong and thats it.
Any place that has a ban on a type of weapon has violence in a different form to circumvent it. In the UK people were throwing acid in peoples faces as a weapon cause guns and knives are generally a no-go but throwing acid in their face wasnt a big charge.
Also, just like the second amendment i dont think you know what strawman argument means.
TheRealGeigers t1_j1zm2q1 wrote
Reply to comment by CheckPlease54 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
I didnt realize there were no murders or crime in places that ban weapons!
Which country/city should I move to to secure my immediate safety?!
TheRealGeigers t1_j1zhafj wrote
Reply to comment by CheckPlease54 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
The right to bear arms in an attempt to make it so the govt cant ruthlessly control its population, no?
Same situation, the govt being the criminal and the general population being the law following citizen.
Edit: also nice strawman there, didnt even address the counter point I made you just picked something else to pivot the conversation.
TheRealGeigers t1_j1zakoq wrote
Reply to comment by CheckPlease54 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
What do you mean? This isnt even the "gatcha!" Moment you think it is.
So person A is a criminal and illegally has a knife and approaches person B with an illegal swotchblade. B, being the law abiding citizen, has no blade and gets mugged. Under the new law though, B can now legally carry a switchblade thus causing A to rethink their mugging as they just needed some quick cash for drugs and did not want to end up in a body bag.
Notice how in both scenarios the criminal always has the weapon? Its the same reason I will defend the second amendment. Criminals dont care about background checks and will have a gun no matter what, so better to legally allow your citizens to defend themselves.
TheRealGeigers t1_j1yd7be wrote
Reply to comment by thisoldbroad in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
What if I told you, criminals didnt follow the law to begin with so this would only help protect law obedient citizens 🤔
TheRealGeigers t1_j202i89 wrote
Reply to comment by CheckPlease54 in New Pennsylvania laws taking effect in 2023. Here’s a look at some of the laws that will go into effect in the new year. by oldschoolskater
My bad that was the wrong link, this is the link I meant to post.