TheScandinavianFlick t1_j1hy4b3 wrote
Reply to comment by PorkFriedBryce in I've got a battery on wheels with an inverter and brand new snow tires. If anyone is still without power within 70 miles of Burlington, doesn't have a working back-up generator, and desperately needs their furnace powered up let me know. Merry Christmas. by Willman3755
Second this.
TheScandinavianFlick t1_j1agp47 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hoping that Meeko (snowball chaser extraordinaire) can make your spirits bright! Cheers to some winter fun - in whatever capacity you can find it:) by thestateisgreen
i AcTuAlLy hAvE a LiFe
Says the troll who has spent the day commenting on every dog photo in r/vermont, lmao
TheScandinavianFlick OP t1_j1a911k wrote
Reply to comment by Ambitious_Ask_1569 in I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
Ha!! Ours is pretty neurotic as well, but in a productive way.
TheScandinavianFlick OP t1_j1a77fn wrote
Reply to comment by Ambitious_Ask_1569 in I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
They're very smart and very determined. Laser focused as well. Makes them seem very intense.
TheScandinavianFlick OP t1_j19nf6i wrote
Reply to comment by NoPunNintendo in I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
TheScandinavianFlick OP t1_j18uu1j wrote
Reply to comment by Faerhun in I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
She's pretty amazing. We talk to her like she's a kid, she's so damn smart.
TheScandinavianFlick t1_izs7p39 wrote
Reply to comment by banannastand in Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
My vote as well. I'd add that Montpelier is perfectly located as a central hub; run light rail (or maglev, no budget after all) from there to the corners (Brattleboro, Bennington, Newport, St. Albans). You can finagle those routes to hit the Burlington area, St. J, Upper Valley, and others.
TheScandinavianFlick t1_j5094zu wrote
Reply to comment by richstowe in What's the deal w/ so many cars in front of houses on NY 22A having VT plates? by twowheels
I think this is it. Cheaper to register the cars in VT, and they live close enough that the Vermont DMV isn't a days' worth of driving away.