
TheSingulatarian t1_isl6z07 wrote

When crime spikes again citizens will acquiesce to technology like facial recognition a gait tracking (identifying someone by how they walk). The criminal wearing a face mask might as well be naked with they're home address tattooed on their chest. Together with return to three strikes sentencing will see a major reduction in crime.


TheSingulatarian t1_isf4xc3 wrote

No, the majority of humanity has a Dickensian hellscape to look-forward to living on a very modest UBI.

Humanity will never leave this rock in any meaningful way. We are evolved to survive here, space is a very harsh environment that humans are not adapted to live in. The AIs may go to space, humans never will.


TheSingulatarian t1_irmf0q9 wrote

We may be the only ones in our galaxy with a technologically advanced civilization. Of all the species that have ever lived on Earth we are the only ones to have achieved this. The result of just the right combination of happy evolutionary accidents that have allowed humans to become the rulers of the planet. These are.

- Walking upright leaving our hands free to manipulate objects.

- The opposable thumb allowing us to grasp objects much more efficiently than other primates.

- Sweating which allows us to track down prey of long distances giving us plenty of protein to grow our big brains.

- Large brain relative to our body size.

- A uniquely shaped vocal tract allowing us to form complex sounds and create languages. This allows us to communicate information to others of our species and down the generations which leads to the creation of culture, our most powerful tool.

I am sure that the universe is teaming with life, even intelligent life but, life having all of the above attributes in one animal is most likely very rare indeed.


TheSingulatarian t1_irmdlpg wrote

Proles gotta have their lattes.

Feed most people enough cheeseburgers, porn and Netflix and they will be perfectly happy. I don't have much hope for the future.

The PR people and the con men have warped the definition of capitalism, socialism and Christianity to such a degree that most people don't even know what they actually mean.


TheSingulatarian t1_irmcs84 wrote

AI weapons will be powerful but not invulnerable. EMP weapons, Net guns to take down drones, camouflage to confuse AI are all options to defeat military robots. Things will be difficult if not impossible if AI dictatorship becomes too oppressive.

I worry more about the proles having the brains and the will to do anything effective once the handwriting is on the wall. We already live in a techno-dystopia but, our bellies are full and the there is something to watch on Netflix so protesting too much work.