TheSingulatarian t1_itosbdy wrote
Reply to comment by cy13erpunk in How should an individual best prepare for the next five - ten years? by BinyaminDelta
No, I actually want OP to become wealthy. Bitcoin is for suckers.
TheSingulatarian t1_itoo539 wrote
Buy as much VTSAX as you can. You need to try as hard as you can to move from the employee class to the capitalist class.
TheSingulatarian t1_itna3i2 wrote
Reply to comment by Busy_Relationship_87 in Best casual dinner restaurant in Glastonbury? by SweetDreamsTitus
This is the answer.
TheSingulatarian t1_itiai7f wrote
Reply to comment by Effective-Dig8734 in What will singularity lead to? by sonderlingg
Depends on where you are in the world as to how dogs are treated. Some are treated very well, some have medical experiments conducted on them, some are euthanized, some are eaten. How ASI will regard humans remains to be seen.
TheSingulatarian t1_iti9zog wrote
Reply to What will singularity lead to? by sonderlingg
Short term: Mass unemployment, social dislocation, revolutions, strife.
- Long term: If humanity survives the short-term effects, expect a golden age for humanity.
TheSingulatarian t1_itfo9e6 wrote
Reply to Given the exponential rate of improvement to prompt based image/video generation, in how many years do you think we'll see entire movies generated from a prompt? by yea_okay_dude
Animation will be the first to undergo massive change. Animation is already made by giving the start point and end point of a character's action, and the direction of the action. The work is then sent to South Korea where animators there fill in the frames in-between the ones given. Using a prompt to generate a background and software to generate the action will change animation and special effects first by taking out much of the grunt work.
TheSingulatarian t1_itcpyl8 wrote
Reply to comment by iNstein in Could AGI stop climate change? by Weeb_Geek_7779
As smart as a human but able to think as fast as a computer. I'm not sure you would need an AGI with an IQ above 120 for it to do astounding things.
TheSingulatarian t1_itcfm2y wrote
Reply to comment by GenoHuman in Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
I would say you are the exception. Most people currently on welfare are women and children, they are not writing the Great American Novel. Some certainly take the opportunity to go to school and learn a new skill but, again those are the exception.
TheSingulatarian t1_it8vxpi wrote
Reply to comment by RemyVonLion in Thoughts on Job Loss Due to Automation by Redvolition
People currently on welfare are not pursuing innovative dreams.They are mostly sitting in front of the TV eating chips.
TheSingulatarian t1_it8v7gn wrote
Seems like a WATSON that understands natural language. Time to do another Jeopardy episode, but make the computer listen to the question just like the human contestants.
TheSingulatarian t1_it8sveq wrote
Too many shitty things happen to me on a daily basis for me to be living in a simulation of my own choosing.
TheSingulatarian t1_it4u3pu wrote
Reply to comment by BearStorms in If you believe you can think exponentially, you might be wrong. Transformative AI is here, and it is going to radically change the world before the Singularity, and before AGI. by AdditionalPizza
The longshoremen are currently holding up improvements at the Port of Los Angeles. For a microcosm of the future take a look at that situation.
TheSingulatarian t1_it4tkc4 wrote
Reply to If you believe you can think exponentially, you might be wrong. Transformative AI is here, and it is going to radically change the world before the Singularity, and before AGI. by AdditionalPizza
2025 is insanely early. Even if we got AGI in 2025 it would take awhile for it to filter out to the general public and start affecting things. I'm all for being optimistic but, calm down.
TheSingulatarian t1_it048wj wrote
Reply to comment by Cultural_League_3539 in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Take pen to paper and be inspired by something. It may not be good art, but it will be art.
TheSingulatarian t1_ist7c2g wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Donut8582 in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Every city had a least one theater, NY alone has had more than 40 theaters for forever. Going to the theater is an expensive proposition for many. Even movie theaters are becoming too expensive for many.
TheSingulatarian t1_ist5kxz wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Donut8582 in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
There were more than 40 theaters decades ago and box office is down. Check your facts.
TheSingulatarian t1_ist0kwc wrote
Reply to comment by Desperate_Donut8582 in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Movie theaters seem to finally be on the way out or at least in the showing of more small intimate films. Every film has to be a roller coaster ride to get people to theaters. Smaller romances or comedies or dramas all going to the streaming services. Live theater is a very niche business mostly for elites and the upper middle class.
TheSingulatarian t1_isszorh wrote
Reply to comment by datfixinboy in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Humans can't make art without any prompting. Even Michelangelo if he had never seen a drawing or a sculpture or anything from nature could not produce art.
All artists are influence by other art. AI artists will get much better over the next ten years where is will be impossible to tell if the art was produced by an AI or a human.
TheSingulatarian t1_issy6bi wrote
Reply to comment by GenoHuman in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Capitalists control the state. It is their instrument. You are a slave to the capitalist and have always been a slave to the capitalist.
TheSingulatarian t1_isswca3 wrote
Reply to comment by blueSGL in Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
It will take 10 to 20 years for capitalists to come to this realization. Right now they seem to think a rental model will compensate for reduced prosperity of the masses, "You will own nothing, and you will be happy." But, I not so sure that is going to work out.
TheSingulatarian t1_issvihv wrote
Reply to Talked to people minimizing/negating potential AI impact in their field? eg: artists, coders... by kmtrp
Denial of impending catastrophe is a trait most humans seem to posses. Most people can not project out past next weekend. It is why most people are poor.
TheSingulatarian t1_issuf2r wrote
Reply to comment by SnowyNW in How will fields like engineering, mathematics, medicine, and finance be changed by AI in the coming years? by pradej
Penis length.
TheSingulatarian t1_issu9jl wrote
Reply to comment by Kaarssteun in How will fields like engineering, mathematics, medicine, and finance be changed by AI in the coming years? by pradej
UBI is going to be subsistence level. More swigging Popov Vodka out of a plastic jug in a back alley than cocktails on the beach.
TheSingulatarian t1_issu00i wrote
Reply to comment by Zealousideal_Ad3783 in How will fields like engineering, mathematics, medicine, and finance be changed by AI in the coming years? by pradej
The waiters, maître d', Sommelier etc will still be human. The stuff you don't see will be automated.
TheSingulatarian t1_itq7r2b wrote
Reply to comment by imlaggingsobad in How should an individual best prepare for the next five - ten years? by BinyaminDelta
The wealthy and the corporations will control it. They will make insane amounts of money for 10 to twenty years after AGI. Once everyone is unemployed it is any guess what will happen.