
TheSingulatarian t1_itfo9e6 wrote

Animation will be the first to undergo massive change. Animation is already made by giving the start point and end point of a character's action, and the direction of the action. The work is then sent to South Korea where animators there fill in the frames in-between the ones given. Using a prompt to generate a background and software to generate the action will change animation and special effects first by taking out much of the grunt work.


TheSingulatarian t1_ist0kwc wrote

Movie theaters seem to finally be on the way out or at least in the showing of more small intimate films. Every film has to be a roller coaster ride to get people to theaters. Smaller romances or comedies or dramas all going to the streaming services. Live theater is a very niche business mostly for elites and the upper middle class.


TheSingulatarian t1_isszorh wrote

Humans can't make art without any prompting. Even Michelangelo if he had never seen a drawing or a sculpture or anything from nature could not produce art.

All artists are influence by other art. AI artists will get much better over the next ten years where is will be impossible to tell if the art was produced by an AI or a human.