TheValentinePianoman t1_iy4tpth wrote
Reply to comment by ArabianCamels in I’m a minor in connecticut, what am i allowed to carry for self defense legally? by connoqr
I did read what you said and 'good guys with guns" don't do shit.
TheValentinePianoman t1_iy2kuni wrote
Reply to comment by ArabianCamels in I’m a minor in connecticut, what am i allowed to carry for self defense legally? by connoqr
Sandy hook, parkland and columbine would disagree
TheValentinePianoman t1_ivpmrps wrote
Reply to comment by Plenty-Jaguar2581 in Rock On Vermont! "Vermont becomes the 1st state to enshrine abortion rights in its constitution" by CalicoFlannel
Hell yeah, that's the goal isn't it? /j
TheValentinePianoman t1_iy4u3dd wrote
Reply to comment by ArabianCamels in I’m a minor in connecticut, what am i allowed to carry for self defense legally? by connoqr
And what about those kids in Texas who had to wait hours for police to do something? Law enforcement arresting and detaining parents, unarmed parents, for doing what their cowardly officers couldn't