The_Amazing_Shaggy t1_je9z7dv wrote
Reply to comment by Sumbrada in No jail time for Kuna couple convicted of felony child abuse by Fit_Ad8096
What firearm? The OP article doesn't reference any. Is there another link to more info on this story?
ETA: To save others the downvotes for asking this is just a circlejerk about something irrelevant to the article. I couldn't tell. Too early this morning.
The_Amazing_Shaggy t1_jbfxt89 wrote
Reply to DOJ announces it will review Memphis Police Department following Tyre Nichols' death as more video will be released by electromagneticpost
CNN updated the headline:
> Court orders delay in release of additional Tyre Nichols footage as DOJ announces review of Memphis Police Department
> Sink and Allison Fouche, a spokesperson for the city, both confirmed the delay to CNN on Wednesday. In a statement, Fouche said the court’s order dictated “that no video, audio, or records related to the City’s administrative investigation may be released until further order by the court.”
The_Amazing_Shaggy t1_jbfg5w3 wrote
Reply to comment by Samanthuh-maybe in DOJ announces it will review Memphis Police Department following Tyre Nichols' death as more video will be released by electromagneticpost
Video evidence can get unwieldy with a quickness. Each police car should have a dash cam. Each police officer should have a body cam.
13 officers have been administratively (not criminally) charged. That's 26 different camera perspectives alone.
There may also be private owned security cameras that recorded portions of the crimes being committed by LEOs. Some ambulances and fire trucks are cammed up now as well.
The_Amazing_Shaggy t1_j9d51zl wrote
Reply to comment by ThanksMisterSkeltal in White Rankin Deputies ‘Tortured’ Handcuffed Black Men, Shot One, Lawyers Allege by iputitthere
It won't have any bearing on my feelings on the evidence that will come forth, but the lawyer is so nutty the Nation of Islam kicked him out:
The_Amazing_Shaggy t1_jed4wr1 wrote
Reply to comment by 89141 in Nashville kids write notes to officers who ran into The Covenant School shooting by Due-Reading6335
These 2 are the 2 that actually fired their weapons thus taking on the extra burden of killing someone on top of risking their life, but I absolutely agree that every officer that entered the school that day should be commended as well.
What got their attention was the suspect began firing again after a short period of not which was enough information to know right where to go. Until that point it would be unwise to rely on the last known location from someone on the outside as current and still true.