The_Kentwood_Farms t1_iuhk96b wrote
Reply to Medical Marijuana Card by ResurrectedZero
Just be aware that many of the docs prescribing are just looking to check at least one of the symptoms boxes to validate the prescription. Most realize they're just getting paid so someone can enjoy a plant that shouldn't be illegal in the first place. I've heard at least one story of someone going to an appt to get a medical card and the doc just being like, "ok, so slight depression, trouble sleeping...sound about right?" The patient agreed, then realized that he now has those two issues listed in his medical records. For this particular person, he decided he wanted to get his pilots license a year or so later, then found out that the FAA won't grant him medical clearance since he has a history of depression (which he never really did). Anyway, all that to say, I've heard it's super easy to get the card, just be aware that whatever your complaint to get the card is, will end up in your medical history.
The_Kentwood_Farms t1_iua14fu wrote
Reply to How's the Broadberry for concerts? Looking at tomorrow night for Squirrel Nut Zippers. Hope I can get some standing time on the floor, hang back at the bar, move around a bit. by iwearlederhosen
It's sad to say, but it's a pretty terrible place to watch a show. You either get stuck in the sea of folks up front so you can see the band (depending on where you are in relation to the pole) or you hang in the back and can get drinks/go to the bathroom, and not really see the band. Really makes me miss places like S'matter and Alley Katz. Unfortunately, there's not really a better way to set that place up, I miss venues of that size where you can enjoy the band AND get a beer every once in a while, this place seems like it's either/or.
The_Kentwood_Farms t1_itzgddu wrote
This spot scares the crap out of me, I've seen the general traffic IQ of the local populace...
The_Kentwood_Farms t1_iwblatl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Record Player Repair by EdgeOfTheMtn
These guys have helped me out a couple times, super knowledgeable folks