
The_Waxies_Dargle OP t1_ivfl8wm wrote

Interesting. Against my better judgment I opened her up. The three preamp tubes all look the same. But one of the two power tubes (the EL84) looks different. One is silver/metalic on the top whereas the other is a dark, almost obsidian color. It's subtle, but they do look different.

Going to try and upload a pic.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_itzxgpq wrote

OLD-PERSON RANT INCOMING: I am 100% over the hard fried phase. To me it's become a way to justify shitty cooking technique. If it's fried correctly it should be plenty crunchy. Everyone seems to overfry their wings now under the guise of hard fried.

Maybe in the hands of a truly skilled chef it would be different. But for now, just fry them the right way.


The_Waxies_Dargle OP t1_itvsi8o wrote

Reply to comment by Tim_Y in Water Bill (RANT) by The_Waxies_Dargle

So taking your number(s) as an ave, $195, x 12 = $2,340 is what a family of 3 should expect for a waterbill each year? Because that seems awfully high for something the city provides to residents at scale.


The_Waxies_Dargle OP t1_ituvam4 wrote

Oh this is super helpful.

So I'm showing zero consumption during nighttime.

What seems odd is that our usage is one of two numbers: 2992 or 3740. It's one of these two numbers going back to July of 2021, when it's either 4488 or 3740. I don't see a pattern at all, it alternates and then will go several months the same.

Does this seem normal.