
The_Waxies_Dargle t1_iycibbn wrote

Why does current weed stink so much? Weed used to have a fragrance, but it didn't seem offensive. I know the weed now is stronger by an order of magnitude, but when I'm sitting in my car and get a whiff it, and it seems like every other car is auditioning for the starring role in a Seth Rogan/Cheech and Chong cinematic collaboration, it's just a whole different olfactory experience than in the past.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_iyci7v1 wrote

Oooh, I want some of those misinformed downvotes too!

I'm a Libertarian Nutjob who believes all drugs should be decriminalized. I will use delta gummies to help with sleep. That said...

The whole concept of medical marijuana is bullshit. There may be things it does, conditions it helps, etc. But it's not been studied or approved for anything by any of our regulatory agencies and at least two of my progressive medical / therapy providers refuse to use the term and think it's dangerous.

It just sucks that what is a right: my body, my choice, has to be wink/winked into existence with this sort of designation.

Also, can someone explain why a deep blue area like ours wasn't 100% at the forefront of all this decrim stuff given how destructive drug laws have been to communities that look like ours?


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ixyef86 wrote

They have a high platform to be sure. Also, not sure what a stylist travel shoe is. But I kind of dress like vagabond most days so we may not have overlapping goals in this area.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_ixycm2m wrote

Depending on how serious you intened to be, I'd go to REI and explain your goals and see what they recommend. If your feet need a little more attention you can try Falls Road Running Store or Charm City Run. My shoe of choice is the Hoka (One One) but this more for running cause I had debilitating plantar fasciitis. Hoka does make a hybrid hiker that I wore on a jaunt down the AT a few years back that is awesome too.