Thecrawsome t1_iui0myb wrote
Reply to comment by RDGCompany in No, Pennsylvania didn’t send 255K ballots to ‘unverified’ voters by krabstarr
Bucks did it right this time for me too. But when I lived in Bensalem they never sent me mine and i had to vote in person by provisional
Thecrawsome t1_iuhle7w wrote
Reply to comment by LetsPlayCanasta in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Dr. Oz for Pennsylvania Senate race by LetsPlayCanasta
Let's scale this up.
If he selectively overvalued and undervalued his assets to enrich himself, and laundered Russian money through his properties, and was born a billionaire, would that ascend him up to GOD EMPEROR status with you instead?
Unpaid taxes 😂 give me a break. Meanwhile your dear cult leader owes everything and was born with everything and is in court all the time for everything.
Thecrawsome t1_iu8iso4 wrote
Reply to comment by ROTLA in Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
This is so much more substantial than their false fraud claims. They're literally conspiring to take away people's votes arbitrarily.
The stuff should be met with lawsuits and with severe aggression. They're breaking our democracy to win elections
Thecrawsome t1_iu8iom1 wrote
Reply to Pennsylvania Secretary of State reminds voters possible delays in election results are typical by oldschoolskater
Meanwhile GOP are only trying to let them count it for one day.
Can't let the GOP have their way and steal votes.
Remember they want to count every ballot when there's GOP votes left but they want to stop the count when there's Democrat votes left.
Thecrawsome t1_iu42ptz wrote
Reply to comment by 1NationUnderDog in Deputy arrested for illegally selling guns used in Roxborough HS shooting by dc122186
It would be nice if there was actual bargaining with the Philly police union a competitor. That way they'd keep on their toes more and maybe buy a camera for their locker room with their billions in budget.
Thecrawsome t1_iu415e4 wrote
Reply to comment by Practical_Law_7002 in Shocking corruption: Federal agents capture Philadelphia Deputy Sheriff on video selling two of the guns used in deadly shooting after Roxborough High School football scrimmage by IdunnoabouttheseDems
This should be a hate cult investigation but it isn't. Cop unions are mobster outlets IMHO.
Thecrawsome t1_itlsctl wrote
No cops out on the beat no arrests 🧠🧠🧠
Thecrawsome t1_itilype wrote
Reply to comment by smrtazz101 in The life and death of a tree in Valley Forge Pennsylvania by SirBobsonDugnutt
This is the already-invasive tree that hosts lanternflies. If you see one, destroy it.
Thecrawsome t1_isxxgro wrote
Reply to comment by RabbleLowder in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Keep moving the goal post JFC
Disorganized violence happens all the time. The narrative of attributing disorganized violence to back black lives matter is a political tactic. And I'm not even going to entertain that part of the conversation of yours anymore.
We're talking about which group in front of the capitol was more organized and had more damage. You keep changing the subject and moving the goalposts.
Trump organized violent people to March.
Thecrawsome t1_isxwglw wrote
Reply to comment by RabbleLowder in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
You still didn't answer my question. You started complaining about BLM riots that never rose to the level of storming our congress.
Capitol police were rough with BLM, gassed them upon Trump's request so he could pose with the Bible.
Trump let his armed friends right-in. Told police to ignore. Never called National guard. Ignored Pence all day. Told his followers to "Fight like hell".
If congress hadn't escaped, they'd have done an inquisition and killed politicians on the floor that day.
Thecrawsome t1_isxq8kj wrote
Reply to comment by RabbleLowder in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Did any of them get tried for sedition and insurrection? We had Republican doj back then who would have done anything they could.
I don't think you're recollection of History is as clear as you think.
Thecrawsome t1_isx95e3 wrote
Reply to comment by RabbleLowder in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
We're there antifa on jan 6th? No
Thecrawsome t1_isntyz4 wrote
Reply to One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
MAGA traitors who want to violently attack our capitol should be in jail forever. If you don't appreciate democracy and rights you sure as fuck don't deserve them.
They went really easy on this batch of inbreds. Some of them getting out with house arrest and a year or two. Lock them up forever.
They're going to fall for another conspiracy theory and end up killing people, because they're so stupid. They will just fall for the next con artist and ruin everybody around them.
Thecrawsome t1_isntmmq wrote
Reply to comment by shweetpickle in One arrest, two sentences, and three guilty pleas in Pennsylvania January 6th cases by imll99
Theocratic fascism doesn't belong in the US government and everybody should agree on that.
You don't want to Muslim running for governor pledging to enforce Muslim laws on people.
That's literally what that fascist piece of dung mastrianblow is doing, but for trashy Christian nationalists.
Thecrawsome t1_isep05d wrote
Reply to comment by victorix58 in Pennsylvania district rejects Satanists’ $578 donation for school supplies by magenta_placenta
LOL Christians get rock-hard passing oppressive laws attacking LGBTQ+, minorities, and liberals, and they love fucking with our elections with their tax-free money and their echo chamber churches where they tell people how to vote subtlety.
And here you are crying like your religion is getting victimized. Projection and lack of empathy is one of Christofascist's biggest tools.
Thecrawsome t1_ire8r49 wrote
Pennsylvania is always a couple years behind California
Thecrawsome t1_ir1zxra wrote
Reply to comment by CatOfTheDecade in Trump allies interviewed nearly 200 election officials in PA, elsewhere to probe for weaknesses by Open_Veins_8
The dumbest gotchas that aren't really gotchas
Thecrawsome t1_iv0mjwa wrote
Reply to comment by Aestiva in Oprah backs Oz rival Fetterman in Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate race by return2ozma
What did you like most about the D- list celebrity fake cure huckster before he decided to run?