
ThisElder_Millennial t1_jd38p29 wrote

I'm mainly talking about how this will be a free rider problem. Geoengineering isn't free and has to be continually maintained. The issue is that since everyone will benefit, there isn't the incentive to contribute to the cause. Or, assuming the end goal is to eventually ween ones self off of geoengineering, free riders will have to be "strong-armed" (for lack of a better term) into going carbon zero (or carbon negative). Otherwise, once one of more parties stop the practice, we'll be right back at square one in regards to problems.


ThisElder_Millennial t1_jbjlics wrote

Precisely. Hell, we're still a ways off from trustworthy self-driving vehicles, given that the software still isn't as good as us meatbags. Even if we do get automated semi-trucks with reliable programming, getting them approved from a regulatory perspective will also slow things down considerably.


ThisElder_Millennial t1_ir577ta wrote

Depends on the technology in question. Large companies have compliance offices that actively work to prevent sales to folks for whom it may be illegal. But if they do buy it here and attempt to ship things abroad, that's when the FBI gets involved. Admittedly, it's like trying to hand cup water and plenty invariably gets through, but we do catch some of it. In cases where we know a person got it here when they shouldn't have, the govt goes after the seller/provider and forces them to up their game or face financial penalties.


ThisElder_Millennial t1_ir2bywd wrote

>China is now prosperous and powerful without them.

If you feel so strongly that way, tell President Pooh Bear to stay out of the Taiwanese territory. They like their liberty and don't have to worry about social credit scores, being forcibly contained in their apartments for months at end over a nonsensical zero-Covid policy, or worrying that if they speak ill of their government, they'll be sent out to a PRC concentration camp. If you like your authoritarian daddy state, stay the fuck there. The free world doesn't want you.


ThisElder_Millennial t1_ir275mj wrote

They'll be blocked from buying, selling, or engaging in any sort of relationship. Not only for US firms, but for all businesses and organizations around the world moving forward. This is how the Entity List works; if you get on it, you're cut out of the US market. Anyone who violates that also gets cut out of the US market. We're using these same exact tools against the Ruskies right now.