
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iwv5lcz wrote

Yep, then they could capture some revenue from renting the space. Instead they allow them to just be thrown around neighborhoods and take up sidewalk / crosswalk and sometimes even street space with no revenue gained from the city for the inconvenience, and less accessible sidewalks for everyone else.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iwunu2y wrote

Would be great if the companies were forced to more tightly regulate where / how their product is stored. Really don't want to be one of those city's where bird scooters are lying around everywhere making the streets less ADA accessible. Lord knows our city is too cozy with tech and cares too little for its citizens to actually regulate these companies, or their riders.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iu9s3dm wrote

I don’t think Tolkien would care but neither of us know? You could say “did Tolkien want this shot in HD? Do you think he wanted this to be streamed online?” It’s really got nothing to do with him. I personally don’t mind the race blind casting. I think only a small portion of folks seem to…..also this has nothing to do with the comment you responded to?


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_iu9pgm1 wrote

I mean he goes from literally questioning his existence to declaring he’s there for good…. We know several istar were corrupted so it absolutely isn’t pre programmed for him to align with forces of good, especially not when others are trying to lead him to be evil. He literally goes from asking if he’s bad to declaring he’s good. That’s a pretty obvious linear character progression. Not everyone has character development in one season that leads them to be a completely different character. That would likely be bad writing.

There were plot points in two episodes about Numenor, but it wasn’t “two whole episodes” and much of this was character progression for other characters / relationships etc. it would have been weird to have Numenor flip the script in one episode. Could we have seen them move right along and miss some of the plot points in episode 5? Sure, but could have felt rushed / would have missed out on some of Halbrand’s character as well as the upcoming events in Numenor, like it’s fall and the rise of the cult of morgoth.

Also there are 17 other rings to forge and it wasnt just ten minutes of the show, literally several plot points converged, halbrand, mithril, Galadriel learning to share power etc, to enable the forging of the rings….