ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j38c80e wrote
Reply to comment by ShadownetZero in Teen violence spiraling out of control in NYC, Eric Adams and NYPD warn by someone_whoisthat
What did they say that was wrong?
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j35amdp wrote
Reply to comment by Twovaultss in NYC Hospitals Start Moving Sick Babies, Diverting Ambulances as Nurse Strike Looms by drpvn
Staff doesn't equal beds. I am not saying that they shouldn't strike or get better conditions. I'm pointing out the mayors "just send edp's to hospital phsych units" plan isn't a reality.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j33nsmn wrote
Reply to NYC Hospitals Start Moving Sick Babies, Diverting Ambulances as Nurse Strike Looms by drpvn
So where are all the folks the Mayor said would be compelled to go to these hospitals going to go? Oh right, it was always a sham policy with nowhere to actually put folks.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2erf0b wrote
Reply to Here's why people aren't watching Andor: the first 3 episodes are from a much smaller, much more boring show. by testthrowaway54321
Maybe the general public and Reddit just have different tastes? I loved Andor but know 0 people who watch jt
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2eivnl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Brooklyn’s Indicted "Bling Bishop" Hiding Out in Paramus Mansion by licecrispies
You clearly have never read anything about the Pastor before. They have a documented friendship.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2acd1p wrote
Reply to comment by fes57 in 'Drag Story Hour' protest draws passionate crowds outside Queens library by seejordan3
Not sure what’s confusing about what I said
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2a92as wrote
Reply to comment by throneismelting in 'Drag Story Hour' protest draws passionate crowds outside Queens library by seejordan3
Wait til you find out about elementary school teachers…
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2a8oya wrote
Reply to comment by fes57 in 'Drag Story Hour' protest draws passionate crowds outside Queens library by seejordan3
I mean lots or progressive policies have been won in New York by churches but go off
ETA: affordable housing, police reform, protections for immigrants, school improvements and reductions in crime just to name a few.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2a8blb wrote
Reply to comment by iRedditAlreadyyy in 'Drag Story Hour' protest draws passionate crowds outside Queens library by seejordan3
My guess is most these folks have never been in a church or helped serve food or donate at one, yet likely post about god on Facebook a lot
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j25rfel wrote
Reply to comment by simeonbachos in NYC Traffic Deaths In 2022 Surpass Shooting Deaths. by ER301
I think it was pretty clear OP was trying to make a comment on guns that was stupid. Hence my reply. The cops absolutely do not enforce traffic laws though
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j25i2mk wrote
Reply to comment by D14DFF0B in NYC Traffic Deaths In 2022 Surpass Shooting Deaths. by ER301
Because I can’t use my gun to commute to work and delivery’s can’t be completed by gun? This a serious question??
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j255lft wrote
Reply to comment by Any_Foundation_9034 in NYC Traffic Deaths In 2022 Surpass Shooting Deaths. by ER301
How about we just highly regulate them and mandate training / permitting and regular inspections
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1w2dtl wrote
Reply to comment by SolitaryMarmot in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
RAD is not privatization.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1w28jf wrote
Reply to comment by SolitaryMarmot in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
That's not how the trust actually works. It converts from section 9 housing to section 8, which you get more federal dollars for per unit. This allows the private companies to collect more money for the rehab work that needs to be done. Same deal virtually as RAD/PACT.
And yes, I know it has always been federally funded, but the city and state ALSO have always put in money. The City also has the ability to manage the Chair and the CEO thus requiring them to pay attention to NYCHA (something this city and state have not done aside from the Trust).
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1w1xpb wrote
Reply to comment by Flatbush_Zombie in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
Yes, things got much worse in the 80's, but again even in the early 80's it wasn't what it was today, where the crime rate is demonstrably higher.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1vygo1 wrote
Reply to comment by Flatbush_Zombie in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
That’s one article. Look up historic crime rates in NYCHA. Talk to NYCHa residents who have lived there for 50+ years (I know scores). It was absolutely nicer
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1vy56f wrote
Reply to comment by SolitaryMarmot in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
I understand how it’s funded, but it does get funding from city and state as well. But yes the federal government should ALSO fund these programs more.
Fact is the city and state didn’t used to take such a back seat to the funding.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1vriur wrote
Reply to comment by Flatbush_Zombie in NYCHA residents without heat, hot water on Christmas weekend by 1600hazenstreet
I mean, NYCHA worked well when the city and state were investing in it. During the 70's and 80's it actually was considered a great place to live, and didn't have its rep for crime until later in it's lifespan.
I think saying "NYCHA is bad now that everyone decided not to care about funding it anymore" is kind of missing the lengthy successful history of NYCHA.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1v5e2g wrote
Reply to comment by Dont_mute_me_bro in G.O.P. Gains Strength on N.Y. City Council, as a Democrat Breaks Ranks by irish_fellow_nyc
Yes I know that people voted for him in Brownsville but for a myriad of different reasons. I know it’s hard for people who don’t spend time in these neighborhoods to know that, but actually Adams spent a shit ton of time in Brownsville building relationships for his campaign
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1rcake wrote
Reply to NYC shootings and murders down: Mayor Adams by Darrkman
Are we allowed to talk about crime stats without being told “yoU DoNt CaRe aBoUt ViCtimS” anymore? Cause that virtue signaling shit was exhausting.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1qeg23 wrote
Reply to comment by Dont_mute_me_bro in G.O.P. Gains Strength on N.Y. City Council, as a Democrat Breaks Ranks by irish_fellow_nyc
Brownsville is not United with Bay Ridge. That’s likely why you’re getting downvotes. It’s complete rubbish. They have back the blue and trump rally’s in bay ridge soon. That shit wouldn’t make it a half block in Brownsville
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1nkisw wrote
Reply to comment by Everyoneeatshere in G.O.P. Gains Strength on N.Y. City Council, as a Democrat Breaks Ranks by irish_fellow_nyc
Just making shit up
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j0bkga8 wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announces funding for mental health initiatives by greenhousecrtv
They can’t, and don’t. But let’s not pretend people don’t frequently just say “it’s the non profits!” When reality is that most non profits are tiny, pay very little salary and are filled with people just trying to improve the city or provide essential social services.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j0bjsif wrote
Reply to comment by Grass8989 in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announces funding for mental health initiatives by greenhousecrtv
Eh, I think most non profits barely scrape by. Could focus on the big ones, but focusing on small non profits that barely scrape by as is and forcing them into more regulation seems a recipe for disaster.
Why them and not say the billion dollar development or construction companies that cash government contracts all day?
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j3z9sxo wrote
Reply to comment by FrenchToastForDinner in Alleged anti-Asian bigot shoves woman to the ground in NYC’s Herald Square by [deleted]
Notice how no one is complaining about his race not being given and him being described as "light complexion" either.