ThreeLittlePuigs t1_japohjm wrote
Reply to comment by Darth_Monkey in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of March, 2023 by AutoModerator
No comment lest someone accuse me of “harassment” for shedding light on the situation. But pretty much everything that’s been said about the polling ended up either not being true or not happening sooooo pretty sure there will never be resolution here.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_japjgtn wrote
I mean reducing the lanes clearly didn’t fix anything and hasn’t had the effect they wanted it to. There has to be a better solution.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_jamstma wrote
Reply to comment by eekamuse in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of March, 2023 by AutoModerator
The posts realllllllyy slowed down after the election.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_ja3wn11 wrote
Wonder what’s going to take longer, finishing the mod hunt, or publishing the crime thread vote that was supposed to be published months ago and the person putting on the poll messed up and doesn’t want to put that out there.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9z9ymf wrote
Reply to comment by CPUequalslotsofheat in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
Probably could but we’d be starting from scratch and that’s not really my thing. I actually never even asked to be a mod. I also think it’s possible to get things sorted out here still hopefully
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9yd9ga wrote
Reply to comment by glassgrant in Things to Do in NYC: March 2023 Edition by richarizard
Agreed. Traditionally though the top mod would get mad at folks to see this sorta content stayed up. Let’s see if that’s still the case. I agree this sorta stuff is when the subs at its best.
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9oksad wrote
Reply to comment by ADustedEwok in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
That’s not at all what I said….
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9ojpso wrote
Reply to comment by ADustedEwok in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
It’s literally the term…. Sure it’s not a union but still fits for folks working in the face of a strike or walk out. But you’re right in sure my words are the real harmful thing happening to those folks. It’s calling people scabs that causes poverty
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9oh5s1 wrote
Reply to comment by mission17 in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
Seems pretty easy to manipulate your way into being a mod if the largest requirement is subservience
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9mr7cb wrote
Reply to comment by I_AM_TARA in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
Oooo that edit hahaha
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9k30po wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
That's an interesting take. Personally I think we should legislate away most gig economy jobs so that we aren't forfeiting basic labor regulations in the favor of some "move fast and break stuff" tech entrepreneurs idea of what's fair.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9k2kd7 wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
It's really not that complicated. The person who mandated the training wanted people out who didn't listen to them and so the training became a sort of litmus test.
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9k2dfc wrote
Reply to comment by TheNormalAlternative in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
Would be really interesting to see a breakdown on how folks get to the airport.
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9k2b3j wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
>It would be nice to see a unified front, but that surge pricing is going to be too sweet for a lot of drivers to pass up.
Sounds about right
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9jzrsi wrote
Reply to comment by spicytoastaficionado in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
Could argue the press piece is enough of an impact by the organizers standpoint. I'd think that may be true as well if it brought more drivers / others to their cause.
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9jzcvu wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
That's a funny way to say "designed to skirt labor laws and exploit people".
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9jyv2t wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
I mean clearly some workers want to strike. The system is designed to stifle worker organizing, but they're still trying.
ThreeLittlePuigs OP t1_j9jyezl wrote
Reply to comment by k1lk1 in Uber, Lyft drivers won’t pick up passengers at LaGuardia Airport on Sunday in pay protest strike by ThreeLittlePuigs
Scabs are pretty common occurrences. What should the workers do would you suggest?
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9jux8h wrote
Reply to comment by JonAce in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
Well since the time of this posting another mods been removed for seemingly no reason…..
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9gj0hk wrote
Reply to comment by I_AM_TARA in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
I'm sorry, that's a bummer. That sounds DEEPLY unfair to you.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9g98vm wrote
Reply to comment by TheNormalAlternative in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
Mods had been asking to talk about the rules for some time to no avail FYI. I can backup what "MajorFogTime" was saying. Although I mistakenly called him Frogman for the last few months we modded together, so apparently I'm an idiot.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9g88jm wrote
Reply to comment by JonAce in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
FYI, another mod was just removed. Seemingly for describing the situation on the current modteam. Pretty wild we have lost at least 5 active mods in the last 2 or so months.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j9fb4n1 wrote
Reply to comment by JonAce in Monthly Discussion Thread - Month of February, 2023 by AutoModerator
Agreed, one thing I learned is the collective mod Team absolutely should have more power than one user. That’s just silly to not have figured it out by Reddit. But it doesn’t effect their bottom line for now, so they don’t care.
ThreeLittlePuigs t1_japomdh wrote
Reply to comment by ObjectivePitiful1170 in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
Is it really less weight when cars are just parked on it basically all the time? I’m not physicist so have no clue, but I’m guessing the reduced lane makes up for the increased average duration of car there?