ThrowAway62378549 t1_j9sujpo wrote
Reply to comment by StubbornAndCorrect in Chemical pollution could be increasing average penis length, scientists warn by jedikraken
I've seen a few studies which say smaller and on a global scale. But what do I know?
ThrowAway62378549 t1_j6mevog wrote
Reply to comment by angroro in Good mushroom harvest results in poisoning boom by Octavus
I've done this but I keep eating poisonous mushrooms?
ThrowAway62378549 t1_ix19cjo wrote
Reply to comment by elpajaroquemamais in CNN Reporters No Longer Allowed to Drink During New Year’s Eve Coverage by nimobo
Im glad spelling out that pooping on a tarp is not normal behaviour really sold it to you. I'm just doing the lords work.
ThrowAway62378549 t1_iws82ea wrote
Reply to comment by elpajaroquemamais in CNN Reporters No Longer Allowed to Drink During New Year’s Eve Coverage by nimobo
That's the joke
ThrowAway62378549 t1_iws7qrf wrote
Reply to comment by tronaldmcdump in CNN Reporters No Longer Allowed to Drink During New Year’s Eve Coverage by nimobo
That's exactly the joke I was going for. Seemed like everyone else didn't pick up that low hanging fruit
ThrowAway62378549 t1_iwpsos6 wrote
Reply to comment by BazilBroketail in CNN Reporters No Longer Allowed to Drink During New Year’s Eve Coverage by nimobo
My Dad knows someone who owns CNN, he says they can't take toilet breaks unless they ask for the key.
And you act super busy so it makes them awkward to ask for the key. One time my dad said he acted way too busy and he say a woman poop himself all over his colleagues but luckily their was tarp on the floors and ground.
Edit: it's a joke, like "my dad owns nintendo". Except this is directed at the comment above me, kind of to show that he is being ridiculous so im just matching that energy but with an outrageous and near impossible scenario. LIKE WHY WOULD A LADY POOP ON PEOPLE WITH TARP ON GROUND?!
ThrowAway62378549 t1_ir8yxxf wrote
Reply to comment by Em_Adespoton in Man takes rescue camel to In-N-Out drive-thru in Las Vegas for fries by AmethystOrator
I love camel more than wife
ThrowAway62378549 t1_jbf7hyv wrote
Reply to comment by Schrecht in 'No foul' play in death of Georgia man found wrapped in rug in Baton Rouge by kangarooturd
This better be adapted into a movie.