
Throwaway08080909070 t1_je2r0rq wrote

Matter can be created and destroyed, energy cannot be created or destroyed in a conserved system.

If you present matter with a precise quantity of its antimatter counterpart they'll both annihilate; the total energy of the system will be conserved, but the matter will be destroyed.


Throwaway08080909070 t1_je1yruy wrote

> Pakistan is a nuclear power with a GDP per capita only a little lower than India’s. Is Pakistan a developed country?

But they lack a space program and nearly a trillion in exports. And again "per capita" vs "total" is worth acknowledging, even if you reject its role in defining development.

> Here, I’ll do one better. Iran. Higher GDP per capita than India, space program, possibly nuclear status soon. Are they a developed country? If not, is it just the figure of exports that matters, not the distribution of that figure?

It's the combination of factors, as I've said from the start.
