Throwaway88888907 t1_j6o3jvd wrote
Reply to comment by trishsf in My (30F) partner (32M) didn't discuss long travel plans with me by [deleted]
The point is consideration for your partner in what would essentially put us in an LDR. I want them to do what's right for them, and recognize that it's totally their decision to make! Again, would totally not hold them back from going, I just think it's an important space for a dialogue
Throwaway88888907 t1_j6o2rc7 wrote
Reply to comment by matcha-hatcha in My (30F) partner (32M) didn't discuss long travel plans with me by [deleted]
I agree that 4 months isn't very long to date, which is why this has been a bit conflicting for me. 2 months, though, does feel like a big chunk of time. Either way, I want them to do it because it's important for them and would make them happy. I just personally think that big things like this are important to discuss in any relationship. I.E. "Hey, I want to do this thing. I recognize that it's a long time, so I just wanted to touch base with you re how you feel about stuff like this." I guess it just seems a little... haphazard as is. We've also discussed marriage and kids and even a timeline on those things. We haven't talked about travel, though. May be good to talk about at this point!
Throwaway88888907 t1_j6nyg57 wrote
Reply to comment by trishsf in My (30F) partner (32M) didn't discuss long travel plans with me by [deleted]
Sure! I wouldn't hold him back from going... that's not the point here!
Throwaway88888907 t1_j6o9x6b wrote
Reply to comment by Odd-Jackfruit-2375 in My (30F) partner (32M) didn't discuss long travel plans with me by [deleted]
Totally fair point! Thank you for the insight.